????據彭博社報道,自從女星蘇珊·薩蘭登在紐約開設乒乓球館和酒吧SpiN以來,這個奧運會項目就開始風靡世界。如今,SPiN俱樂部已經開設到了洛杉磯、多倫多、甚至迪拜。為了吸引有錢人常來光顧,俱樂部里不僅能打乒乓球,還配備了各種休閑設施。SPiN還將于本月在芝加哥和比利時建立分店。 ????乒乓球世界還在運用其他手段招徠精英們加入這個團體。彭博社稱,那些花費5899美元購買高端Killerspin乒乓球桌的愛好者,能夠獲得意大利一家以乒乓球為主題的高端度假勝地的折扣,該公司還將在那里開設一家培訓學校。 ????乒乓球也成為了藝術圈的許多時尚人士和名人喜愛的運動。攝影師胡明勇在接受彭博社采訪時稱:“它變成了一項時髦運動。”胡明勇在明尼阿波利斯擁有一家攝影展覽館Third Place Photography Gallery,其中也有一張乒乓球桌。他說:“我知道雙子城的其他藝術家也愛打乒乓球。” ????類似SPiN的俱樂部并非乒乓熱的唯一受益方:總部位于芝加哥的Killerspin公司表示,他們的乒乓球桌和其他用品的銷售額在過去三年中每年都翻倍增長。該公司的乒乓球桌價格從269美元至4999美元不等。(財富中文網) ????譯者:嚴匡正 ????審校:任文科 |
????Beginning with the opening of cominbation ping pong venue and bar SPiN in New York City, opened by actress Susan Sarandon, the Olympic sport has taken the world by storm, Bloomberg reports. There are now SPiN clubs in Los Angeles, Toronto and even Dubai featuring ping pong with amenities to get the wealthy to come back for more. SPiN is also set to new locations opening in Chicago and in Belgium in the coming months. ????And there are other ways that people in the ping pong world are coaxing the elite to the sport. As Bloomberg notes, players who spend $5,899 on a high-end Killerspin table can get discounts to stay at a high-tend tennis-themed Italian resort, where the company will host a training academy. ????Table tennis is also a sport played by hipsters and people within the art world. “It’s become a hip thing,” artist Wing Young Huie told Bloomberg. Huie owns Third Place Photography Gallery in Minneapolis, which has a ping pong table. “I know other artists in the Twin Cities doing ping pong.” ????Clubs like SPiN aren’t the only beneficiaries of the ping pong boom: Killerspin, based in Chicago, says sales of its tables and other gear have doubled annually over the last three years. Its tables range from $269 to $4,999. |