????隨著劍橋公爵伉儷,也就是威廉王子和凱特王妃短期造訪紐約,各路媒體正密切關注著這對英國王室夫婦的一舉一動。我們獲悉,凱特王妃參觀了哈萊姆區的兒童發展中心,而威廉王子會晤了美國總統奧巴馬。 ????行程安排非常緊湊,這讓我們不禁好奇:凱特正懷著第二個孩子,這位未來英國王后是如何井井有條地擔負起她的王室職責的? ????以下簡要介紹一下凱特王妃身邊的重要隨行人員。你或許沒聽過他們的名字,但他們對于塑造凱特的公眾形象起著至關重要的作用。 |
????With the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge – aka Prince William and Kate Middleton – in New York for a brief visit, the press has breathlessly reported on the British royals’ every move. We learned, for instance, about Duchess Kate’s visit to a Harlem child-development center, while Prince William convened with President Barack Obama. ????The hectic schedule made us wonder: how is the Duchess, pregnant with the couple’s second child and in line to one day become Queen, managing her big job? ????Below are some key people in Kate Middleton’s entourage. You probably don’t know their names, but they play a crucial, behind-the-scenes role shaping the Duchess’ image. |
????戴維?曼寧 ????戴維?曼寧曾任英國駐美大使,現任凱特王妃的外交顧問,協助其履行王室職責。曼寧曾經在英國駐以色列、波蘭、印度、巴黎及莫斯科的領事館工作過,目前為凱特王妃例行會見全球領導人時提供咨詢建議。據報道,凱特會在外交、內政以及慈善工作等問題上征詢曼寧的意見。 |
????David Manning ????David Manning, the former British ambassador to the United States, serves as Kate Middleton’s diplomatic adviser and helps her fulfill her royal obligations. Manning has worked in foreign embassies in Israel, Poland, India, Paris and Moscow, and he counsels Middleton as she routinely meets leaders around the globe. Middletown reportedly consults with Manning on issues of foreign and state affairs as well as her charity work. |