????萊本索爾還沒開始關注怎么讓網站賺錢,也拒絕透露網站的實際流量。盡管她希望“運動風尚”以后能成為一個電商網站——目前網站上給出了其它一些電商網站的鏈接——她希望先專心“通過社交媒體、合作關系及培養受眾”來增加網站的“吸引力”。 ????到底哪些人算網站的受眾呢?萊本索爾的設想是,吸引一些像她一樣的讀者(也是潛在的買家)——也就是那些不僅對運動感興趣,也熱衷時尚、藝術和攝影的人。至于“運動風尚”以后會不會變成紙質雜志,萊本索爾毫不猶豫地給出了肯定的回答,“會是一本體現我自己辦刊理念的雜志,不是一本簡編的出版物,它應該是一本拉風的運動期刊”。未來幾年間,她甚至設想“運動風尚”會發展成高端精品連鎖店,就像巴黎的柯萊特(Colette)和紐約的“周六沖浪”(Saturday Surf,時尚沖浪用品品牌店——譯注)一樣。 ????她的設想是,到那時要做的也是小型連鎖店的概念。她說:“限量版精品合作店現在確實很流行。”她指的是那些時尚產品與運動產品成功對接的合作店,如米莉(Milly)女裝和斯佩里帆布鞋(Sperry Topsider)的合作,以及Pret-a-Surf(女性泳衣品牌——譯注)和J. Crew(時裝品牌)的合作,這種合作模式就是一個比較知名的品牌與知名度較小的生活類品牌聯袂拓展市場。她說:“通過建立這么一個小型的精品店,就能和大牌合作,把自己的品牌和它放在一起——讓兩者的受眾都產生興趣。” ????這些想法對這么一個羽翼未豐的小網站來說未免顯得有點過于雄心勃勃,但萊本索爾顯然對未來毫不畏懼。“我覺得每個人都對與運動有關的生活方式有興趣,但還沒人把它們放在一個地方集中展示。”運動產品是個很大的領域,因此很難想象消費者最感興趣的點在哪里,而萊本索爾計劃從小處做起,看客戶會把自己帶向何方。對她來說,這番事業更多是為了打造一種“運動風尚”文化而非“運動風尚”生意——她希望后者會隨著前者自發產生。如果夢想成真,它將為各種具備商業頭腦的藝術專業人士帶來啟發,同時也將掀開萊本索爾家族事業的新篇章。(財富中文網) ????譯者:清遠?? |
????Lebenthal's not focused on monetizing the site yet, and she declines to provide any metrics on traffic. Though she expects Style of Sport will become an e-commerce destination in the future -- the site currently links to websites where products can be purchased -- she wants to first focus on "gaining traction through social media, partnerships, and building an audience" for the site. ????What kind of audience? Lebenthal imagines drawing a following of readers (and potential shoppers) much like herself – those interested not only in sport, but also in fashion, art, and photography. As for the question of whether Style of Sport has any future as a print magazine, Lebenthal's answer is a resounding yes, "and a magazine the way I want to do a magazine, not a dumbed down publication, but a chic, glossy, journal of sport." In the next few years, she even sees Style of Sport growing into a chain of high-end boutiques akin to Colette in Paris and Saturday Surf in New York. ????Until then, she has smaller-scale retail ideas in mind. "Limited edition partnerships are really popular right now," she says, referencing successful fashion–sport collaborations like Milly and Sperry Topsider, and Pret-a-Surf and J.Crew where more well-known brands have teamed up with smaller, lesser known lifestyle brands. "By doing a small capsule collection, you partner with an established brand, and put your name with their name in it – creating an interest you can tag to audiences on both sides." ????Although all this may seem like quite a leap for a fledgling website, Lebenthal is undaunted. "I think everyone is interested in the sporting lifestyle, but no one is really putting it together in one place." For a domain as large as sports, it's difficult to anticipate where consumer interest will be strongest; Lebenthal plans to start small and see where her customers take her. For her, it's more about creating a Style of Sport culture, as opposed to a Style of Sport business—she hopes the latter will follow the former. If that does happen, it will be an inspiration to business-minded art majors everywhere, and another chapter for the Lebenthal family as well. |