保持跨平臺作品的成功有什么秘訣嗎? ????確保所有產品的水準。這是最重要的秘訣。《行尸走肉》電視劇非常出色,Telltale的《行尸走肉》視頻游戲也是拔尖之作,對此我非常自豪。我覺得,我們的《行尸走肉》小說也很受歡迎。如果你心想:“《行尸走肉》火了,不愁沒人買。馬虎點沒事”。于是開始偷懶,隨便扔出些粗制濫造的東西。我認為這就是開始走下坡路的時候。人們經常掉進這種陷阱。只要我們盡可能做好每個《行尸走肉》系列作品,事情就有希望沿著正確的道路發展下去。 Skybound的目標是什么? ????不斷推出好東西。Skybound是一個地方,在那里人們可以徜徉漫畫世界,找到新體裁和不同類型的漫畫。Skybound是一家公司,致力于為人們帶來那種通常在其他地方難以得到的漫畫。我們讓創作者們去做他們自己真正想做的事情,或者做他們真正熱愛的事情,不管這些事情在漫畫行業里是不是有人追捧。在Image Comics公司,我能夠在我自己的角落里做我想做的事情,挖掘我認為優秀的漫畫作者,這一點非常有意思。 在創意行業跨界發展的秘訣是什么? ????能夠迅速轉移焦點,或者能夠迅速行動。最重要的是要熱愛自己所從事的工作。我非常喜歡我所做的事情,因此工作量大也沒關系。每天早晨,我醒來跳下床時,都會對即將發生的事情感到激動不已,因為每天我都會做各種各樣的事情。非常有意思。必須真正熱愛自己所做的事情,否則就會覺得不堪重負。(財富中文網) ????譯者:千牛絮? |
What are some of the keys to maintaining a successful cross-platform franchise? ????Making sure that everything is good. That's the main key and I'm really proud of the fact that the television show is so good and the Telltale video game is top-notch and I think our novel series is very well received. If you start getting lazy, if you start just throwing things out there because, "Hey, The Walking Dead's popular. Someone will buy this. So who cares," I think that's when things start imploding. People all too often fall into that trap. As long as we strive to make every Walking Dead thing as good as it can be, things will hopefully keep going the way they're going. What are you goals with Skybound moving forward? ????Just to keep doing cool stuff. Skybound is a place where people can come into comics and find new genres and different kinds of books. Skybound is a company that works really hard to bring people comics that you wouldn't normally get from other places. We give creators an opportunity to do what they really want, or what they're passionate about, despite what may be deemed popular in the comic book industry. It's a lot of fun to be able to have my own corner of Image Comics to do with what I want and shine a spotlight on some good creators that I think deserve it. What's the secret to wearing multiple hats in the creative business? ????Being able to shift your focus very quickly, or being able to work fast. The main thing would be to love what you do. I really enjoy what I do, so it doesn't matter that I have to do it a lot. I wake up and spring out of bed every morning excited about what's going to happen because there are various types of things I'm going to work on any given day. It's a lot of fun. You have to really be passionate about it or it's going to be overwhelming. |