Craig Giammona
斯米諾Sorbet Light Mango Passion Fruit ????作為斯米諾(Smirnoff)進軍低熱量烈性酒市場的一環,Mango Passion Fruit于3月份上市,以女性為目標群體。這家公司還推薦了用它調制熱帶馬蒂尼的方法。斯米諾表示,飲用這款伏特加時會感到“微微甜香”入鼻,余味“略酸,爽口而令人精神煥發。” |
Smirnoff Sorbet Light Mango Passion Fruit ????Launched in March as part of Smirnoff's push into low-calorie spirits, Mango Passion Fruit is targeted at women, with a recommended tropical martini recipe. Smirnoff says the flavored vodka stimulates the nose with "subtly sweet aroma" and finishes off with a "cool and refreshing hint of tartness." |