????4月1日,有人在餐飲博客網站Table to Grave上發帖稱,美國食品公司The Kellogg Co.計劃推出一系列Pop Tart蛋糕味伏特加。消息讓整個互聯網都泛起了一絲甜意,但支持和反對的聲音交相呼應。后來人們才知道,這篇帖子是個愚人節玩笑,但不能責備上當受騙的消費者,原因是作為沙皇和特工007的寵兒、伏特加在最近幾年的轉型簡直能讓童話故事中的糖果大亨威利?旺卡笑得合不攏嘴。下面我們就來介紹幾種市場上較新(也較不尋常)的加香型伏特加。同時,請允許我們保持007那樣的態度:吃驚,但不激動。
????When food blog Table to Grave ran an April 1 item that The Kellogg Co. (K,Fortune 500) planned to launch a line of Pop Tart-flavored vodkas, the Internet lit up with tweets and commentary from detractors and proponents alike. Turns out the posting was an April Fool's joke, but one can't blame consumers for getting taken in: In recent years the spirit favored by czars and James Bond has undergone a makeover that would make Willy Wonka beam. Here's a look at some of the newer (and more unusual) flavored vodkas on the market. Consider us shaken, not stirred. |