


Katherine Reynolds Lewis 2013-06-25


????不到10歲的秀蘭?鄧波兒在長達四年的時間里一直是最有票房號召力的明星。20世紀30年代晚期,她在20世紀福克斯公司(20th Century Fox)每部電影中的片酬達到史無前例的5萬美元。她定義了“童星”一詞,而這也是她自傳的書名。


????“年少的沖鋒者們愿意在年紀輕輕時就犧牲了自由和選擇,”位于紐黑文市的咨詢顧問、《像個老板樣》(It's Okay to Be the Boss)的作者布魯斯?塔爾干說。“他們在年幼時就把大把的時間和精力投入到專心致志的追求中。”


Childhood: Shirley Temple

????Before the age of 10, Shirley Temple enjoyed four years as the top box-office draw in America, earning an unprecedented $50,000 per film from 20th Century Fox in the late 1930s. She gave definition to the term child star, which was the title of her autobiography.

????But early success often comes with the cost of devoting your childhood to hard work rather than play. Temple acted in four films a year at an age when ordinary children swing in the playground and master cursive writing.

????"The early young chargers are willing to sacrifice freedom and choice at a young age," says Bruce Tulgan, New Haven-based consultant and author of It's Okay to Be the Boss. "They put in a huge amount of time and energy in a focused pursuit at a very young age."

????Although Temple retired from movie-making at age 22, that early sacrifice gave her the platform and name recognition to become active in politics, serve on corporate boards, and fill the role of U.S. ambassador to Czechoslovakia during the administration of President George H.W. Bush.


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