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得克薩斯州格雷普韋恩一家沃爾瑪門店的員工。全球最大的零售商沃爾瑪正在測試一款通過應用程序激活后會亮起的數碼標簽。圖片來源:DYLAN HOLLINGSWORTH—BLOOMBERG VIA GETTY IMAGES









為了幫助企業領導者為即將到來的變革做好準備,埃森哲(Accenture)《技術展望2025》(Technology Vision 2025)報告探討了生成式和自主式AI在技術開發、客戶體驗、現實世界和勞動力等方面產生的連鎖反應,將會掀起的商業格局重塑和信任革命,并提出了四個關鍵趨勢:

1. 二進制大爆炸——基于生成式AI的編程助手將軟件開發人員的角色提升為系統工程師,這加速了業務的數字化。企業現在開發自己的認知系統和將AI嵌入其獨特DNA中的選擇,將決定其在未來幾年的發展潛力。企業必須重新構思應用架構,轉向基于意圖的框架和代理系統。由于編程的民主化和數字大腦的創建,我們看到企業定制系統越來越多。隨著這些系統變得更加強大、適應能力更強和更加個性化,它們增強的能力將激發更大的信任。越來越多的代理和多代理系統將管理整個流程和功能。例如,AI代理正在優化沃爾瑪(Walmart)的庫存管理,簡化萬豪(Marriott)的預訂流程,并增強雀巢(Nestlé)的供應鏈運營,這展示了AI系統如何憑借其專業知識、能力和一致性提供可衡量的結果。

2. 你的未來面貌——自主性更強的AI將徹底改變客戶互動方式,創造高度相關和個性化的體驗。企業可以通過定義其AI個性,即通過同理心、理解和真實性與客戶產生共鳴的品牌情感體現,從而建立更深的情感聯系和忠誠度。這有助于在AI系統與其服務對象之間建立持久的、基于信任的關系。例如,一家全球護膚品牌正在構建一個超級個性化引擎,其角色類似于個人首席美容科學家。它向客戶學習,將傳統AI與皮膚掃描技術相結合,提供高度個性化的體驗,并具有高度的情感信任。

3. 當大型語言模型擁有實體時——我們正在迎來一個新的機器人時代,機器人能夠理解現實世界中幾乎無限數量的場景,并且可以自主采取安全、準確的行動。機器人和人類將形成一種共生關系,技術成為值得信任的伙伴,將放大人類的潛力。這種關系離不開情感信任,因為人類需要相信這些系統理解他們的意圖,與他們的目標一致,并且能夠以安全、符合倫理和協作的方式運行。例如,埃森哲與英偉達(Nvidia)合作,幫助凱傲集團(KION Group)創建未來的倉庫,由AI驅動的機器人與人類無縫合作,以更快、更安全和以更低的成本完成訂單。

4. 新的學習循環——在人類與AI之間形成良性循環,幫助我們真正學習、成長,并重新構思實現前所未有的績效水平的新方法。隨著人類日益依賴AI提供一致、準確和透明的結果,就能形成認知信任。透明度至關重要,能夠讓用戶清晰了解AI的決策過程,并確保可追溯責任。例如,埃森哲正在通過自主化代理轉變其營銷職能,以幫助其更快創建和執行更明智的營銷活動。營銷人員與展現出可靠性和透明度的AI助理合作,能夠提高信任度,同時提升創造力和效率。














為了幫助企業領導者為即將到來的變革做好準備,埃森哲(Accenture)《技術展望2025》(Technology Vision 2025)報告探討了生成式和自主式AI在技術開發、客戶體驗、現實世界和勞動力等方面產生的連鎖反應,將會掀起的商業格局重塑和信任革命,并提出了四個關鍵趨勢:

1. 二進制大爆炸——基于生成式AI的編程助手將軟件開發人員的角色提升為系統工程師,這加速了業務的數字化。企業現在開發自己的認知系統和將AI嵌入其獨特DNA中的選擇,將決定其在未來幾年的發展潛力。企業必須重新構思應用架構,轉向基于意圖的框架和代理系統。由于編程的民主化和數字大腦的創建,我們看到企業定制系統越來越多。隨著這些系統變得更加強大、適應能力更強和更加個性化,它們增強的能力將激發更大的信任。越來越多的代理和多代理系統將管理整個流程和功能。例如,AI代理正在優化沃爾瑪(Walmart)的庫存管理,簡化萬豪(Marriott)的預訂流程,并增強雀巢(Nestlé)的供應鏈運營,這展示了AI系統如何憑借其專業知識、能力和一致性提供可衡量的結果。

2. 你的未來面貌——自主性更強的AI將徹底改變客戶互動方式,創造高度相關和個性化的體驗。企業可以通過定義其AI個性,即通過同理心、理解和真實性與客戶產生共鳴的品牌情感體現,從而建立更深的情感聯系和忠誠度。這有助于在AI系統與其服務對象之間建立持久的、基于信任的關系。例如,一家全球護膚品牌正在構建一個超級個性化引擎,其角色類似于個人首席美容科學家。它向客戶學習,將傳統AI與皮膚掃描技術相結合,提供高度個性化的體驗,并具有高度的情感信任。

3. 當大型語言模型擁有實體時——我們正在迎來一個新的機器人時代,機器人能夠理解現實世界中幾乎無限數量的場景,并且可以自主采取安全、準確的行動。機器人和人類將形成一種共生關系,技術成為值得信任的伙伴,將放大人類的潛力。這種關系離不開情感信任,因為人類需要相信這些系統理解他們的意圖,與他們的目標一致,并且能夠以安全、符合倫理和協作的方式運行。例如,埃森哲與英偉達(Nvidia)合作,幫助凱傲集團(KION Group)創建未來的倉庫,由AI驅動的機器人與人類無縫合作,以更快、更安全和以更低的成本完成訂單。

4. 新的學習循環——在人類與AI之間形成良性循環,幫助我們真正學習、成長,并重新構思實現前所未有的績效水平的新方法。隨著人類日益依賴AI提供一致、準確和透明的結果,就能形成認知信任。透明度至關重要,能夠讓用戶清晰了解AI的決策過程,并確保可追溯責任。例如,埃森哲正在通過自主化代理轉變其營銷職能,以幫助其更快創建和執行更明智的營銷活動。營銷人員與展現出可靠性和透明度的AI助理合作,能夠提高信任度,同時提升創造力和效率。






AI is here, and its impact is undeniable. With its increasingly human-like capabilities and intelligence, AI has the potential to unlock limitless opportunities for innovation and growth, largely through autonomy. Realizing the promise of AI agents—to operate independently, make decisions, and take actions without constant human oversight—depends on one critical factor: trust.

Our research finds that most (77%) of the executives we surveyed agree the true benefits of AI require a solid foundation of trust across the enterprise, while even more (81%) agree that trust strategy must evolve alongside any technology strategy. While much has been written about trust, two types are especially relevant in this conversation: cognitive (or rational) trust and emotional trust. But how do these types of trust influence our relationship with AI and comfort with autonomy? Consider teaching a teenager to drive.

For many parents, it’s a rite of passage that evokes both excitement and anxiety. At the beginning, parents rely heavily on emotional trust—the inherent bond of love and belief that their child will try their best to be safe and responsible. Yet, this trust is not enough to let them sit calmly in the passenger seat. It must be complemented by cognitive trust, which develops over time as the child demonstrates competence by learning the rules of the road, making sound decisions, and handling unexpected challenges.

Similarly, this interplay between emotional and cognitive trust reflects how humans evaluate complex systems, including AI. Emotional trust in AI arises when users perceive it as aligned with their interests, ethical in its purpose, having empathy, and reliable in its intentions. Cognitive trust is earned when AI systems prove their competence, consistency, and transparency through explainability and measurable outcomes. Together, these forms of trust are the foundation upon which AI’s autonomy—and its transformative potential—can be realized.

A cognitive digital brain at the center of trust and autonomy

Building a cognitive digital brain—which includes information, memory, context, and reasoning—is central to AI’s next stage, enabling trust and autonomy by empowering individuals, businesses, industries, and governments. It starts with foundational models that bring broad general knowledge and a built-in ability to learn. By teaching AI systems about specific parts of the business and allowing users to shape its preferences, likes, and needs, it can become deeply personalized and intelligent.

Enterprises that unify scattered AI efforts into a digital brain can integrate workflows, institutional knowledge, value chains, social interactions, and more. As the system grows smarter and more people use it, it also reinforces trust and autonomy.

Autonomy and the trust revolution

To help business leaders prepare for the transformative journey ahead, the Accenture Technology Vision 2025 report explores the business reinvention—and trust revolution—that will happen as generative and autonomous AI ripple across dimensions of technology development, customer experience, the physical world, and the workforce with four key trends:

1, The Binary Big Bang – Gen AI-based coding assistants elevate the role of software developers to systems engineers, which accelerates the digitization of business. The choices organizations make now in developing their own cognitive systems and embedding AI into their enterprise’s unique DNA will shape their potential for years to come. Application architectures must be reimagined, shifting toward an intention-based framework and agentic systems. We see a rise in custom systems across enterprises because of this democratization of coding and the creation of digital brains. As these systems become more capable, adaptive and personal, they will inspire greater trust through enhanced competence. More and more, agentic and multi-agent systems will manage entire processes and functions. For example, AI agents are optimizing inventory management for Walmart, streamlining booking processes for Marriott, and enhancing Nestlé’s supply chain operations—demonstrating how AI systems can deliver measurable results with expertise, competence, and consistency.

2, Your Face, in the Future — More autonomous AI will radically transform customer engagement, creating highly relevant and personalized experiences. Businesses can create deeper emotional connections and loyalty by defining their AI personality, an emotional embodiment of the brand that resonates with customers through empathy, understanding, and authenticity. This can help build enduring, trust-based relationships between AI systems and the people they serve. For example, a global skincare brand is building a hyper-personalization engine that acts like a personal chief beauty scientist. It learns from customers, combining traditional AI with skin scan technology to deliver highly personalized experiences with a high degree of emotional trust.

3, When LLMs Get Their Bodies — We are entering a new era for robotics with the ability to understand a nearly infinite number of scenarios in physical world and take safe, accurate actions autonomously. Robots and humans will form a symbiotic relationship, where technology becomes a trusted partner in amplifying human potential. This requires emotional trust, as humans need to feel confident that these systems understand their intentions, align with their goals, and operate safely, ethically, and collaboratively. For example, in partnership with Nvidia, Accenture is helping KION Group create the warehouse of the future, where AI-driven robots work seamlessly with people to fulfill orders faster, safer and at a lower cost.

4, The New Learning Loop — Creating a virtuous cycle between people and AI helps us to truly learn, grow, and reimagine new ways to achieve unprecedented levels of performance. Cognitive trust develops as people rely on AI’s proven ability to deliver consistent, accurate, and transparent results. Transparency is essential, providing users with clear insights into AI’s decision-making processes and ensuring accountability. For example, Accenture is transforming its marketing function with autonomous agents that help create and execute smarter campaigns faster. By pairing marketers with AI agents that demonstrate reliability and transparency, the collaboration enhances trust while unlocking new levels of creativity and efficiency.

This new age of autonomous AI presents an extraordinary opportunity for businesses and individuals alike. By building systems grounded in cognitive and emotional trust, organizations can redefine customer engagement, foster co-creation, and empower both people and AI to thrive together. With trust as the foundation, the possibilities of AI become truly limitless.

This commentary is from Accenture, a sponsor of Fortune Brainstorm AI. Karthik Narain is group chief executive, technology, and chief technology officer of Accenture. Lan Guan is chief AI officer.

The opinions expressed in Fortune.com commentary pieces are solely the views of their authors and do not necessarily reflect the opinions and beliefs of Fortune.



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