要說時下關注度最高的技術,肯定非生成式人工智能(AGI)莫屬。你能想象一下,各大主流媒體會如何應用這項技術嗎?當被問到這個問題時,多數人腦中可能會聯想到一些反烏托邦式的畫面,比如用“深度造假”技術偽造出的政客形象,再比如像電影《少數派報告》(Minority Report)里那種跟著人滿街跑的廣告。不過,在當下這個人工智能技術的早期階段,生成式人工智能技術還遠遠沒有那么可怕,而且各大企業也都希望證明它的正面價值。
以英國廣播公司(BBC)為例,BBC推出了一項叫做“實時文字頁面”的功能,它雖然看起來沒有什么噱頭,但卻很受歡迎,它可以將正在發生的事件(比如突發新聞或者體育賽事)轉化為實時的文字直播。雖然將一場足球比賽的音頻解說自動翻譯成文字,這聽起來并不怎么科幻,完全夠不上一集《黑鏡》(Black Mirror)或者《愛死機》的劇情水準,不過它卻是BBC最重視的人工智能應用之一。BBC已經在公司內部開展了幾十個試點項目,好讓這項技術更好地服務它在全球的3.18億用戶。
阿徹認為,人工智能是一個機遇,但它也有不少限制?,F在,英國觀眾每周看BBC TV和iPlayer的時間,要比花在Netflix、Disney+和亞馬遜(Amazon)Prime上的時間加起來還多。因此,BBC在引領廣播電視行業的人工智能發展路徑上是有天然優勢的?!拔覀兇藭r此刻所做的,沒有一件事情是脫離了人的自動化?!彼€表示:“我們的收視費是我們的一大優勢,但我們也因此在新技術的使用上有了一種責任,我們必須要走在前面?!?/p>
就在今年4月,谷歌在英國啟動了人工智能搜索試驗。曾就職與Channel 4、華納媒體(WarnerMedia)和News UK的資深數據專家佩德羅·科薩認為,各大新聞廣播公司面臨的最關鍵的問題之一,就是探索性與謹慎性之間的矛盾。
比如,現在市面上已經有了能夠根據你的觀看歷史和個人喜好進行定向推薦的電視節目。而總部位于美國洛杉磯的初創公司Channel 1則計劃在今年年底前推出人工智能制作的新聞,它由可以說多種語音的機器人播送。而對于全世界的足球迷來說,這些生動的文字直播顯然對他們的日常生活影響更大。而且重要的是,在這個過程中,沒有人會丟掉工作。(財富中文網)
要說時下關注度最高的技術,肯定非生成式人工智能(AGI)莫屬。你能想象一下,各大主流媒體會如何應用這項技術嗎?當被問到這個問題時,多數人腦中可能會聯想到一些反烏托邦式的畫面,比如用“深度造假”技術偽造出的政客形象,再比如像電影《少數派報告》(Minority Report)里那種跟著人滿街跑的廣告。不過,在當下這個人工智能技術的早期階段,生成式人工智能技術還遠遠沒有那么可怕,而且各大企業也都希望證明它的正面價值。
以英國廣播公司(BBC)為例,BBC推出了一項叫做“實時文字頁面”的功能,它雖然看起來沒有什么噱頭,但卻很受歡迎,它可以將正在發生的事件(比如突發新聞或者體育賽事)轉化為實時的文字直播。雖然將一場足球比賽的音頻解說自動翻譯成文字,這聽起來并不怎么科幻,完全夠不上一集《黑鏡》(Black Mirror)或者《愛死機》的劇情水準,不過它卻是BBC最重視的人工智能應用之一。BBC已經在公司內部開展了幾十個試點項目,好讓這項技術更好地服務它在全球的3.18億用戶。
阿徹認為,人工智能是一個機遇,但它也有不少限制?,F在,英國觀眾每周看BBC TV和iPlayer的時間,要比花在Netflix、Disney+和亞馬遜(Amazon)Prime上的時間加起來還多。因此,BBC在引領廣播電視行業的人工智能發展路徑上是有天然優勢的?!拔覀兇藭r此刻所做的,沒有一件事情是脫離了人的自動化。”他還表示:“我們的收視費是我們的一大優勢,但我們也因此在新技術的使用上有了一種責任,我們必須要走在前面?!?/p>
就在今年4月,谷歌在英國啟動了人工智能搜索試驗。曾就職與Channel 4、華納媒體(WarnerMedia)和News UK的資深數據專家佩德羅·科薩認為,各大新聞廣播公司面臨的最關鍵的問題之一,就是探索性與謹慎性之間的矛盾。
比如,現在市面上已經有了能夠根據你的觀看歷史和個人喜好進行定向推薦的電視節目。而總部位于美國洛杉磯的初創公司Channel 1則計劃在今年年底前推出人工智能制作的新聞,它由可以說多種語音的機器人播送。而對于全世界的足球迷來說,這些生動的文字直播顯然對他們的日常生活影響更大。而且重要的是,在這個過程中,沒有人會丟掉工作。(財富中文網)
When asked to imagine how major broadcasters might use generative AI in coming months, most people conjure up dystopian visions, from deepfakes of politicians to Minority Report-style ads that follow them around the city. However the reality, at this relatively early stage in the AI game, is far less sinister – and the biggest players are hoping it will prove far more valuable, too.
Take the BBC’s live text pages: a popular if unglamorous service that turns unfolding events, such as breaking news or sports fixtures, into real-time blogs. Automatically translating audio commentary of football matches into text isn’t exactly worthy of an episode of Black Mirror, but it is one of the AI applications the world’s leading public broadcaster is most excited about, as it experiments with a dozen pilots across the organization in an attempt to explore the technology’s potential for the 318 million or so people it reaches weekly across the globe.
“[The audio to text project] opens up so many potential use cases for us to bring our audiences more value through some quite simple things like the reformatting of content,” explains Peter Archer, the BBC’s programme director of generative AI. “That to me is just really exciting. It might sound slightly prosaic, but if you can get that working at scale in a way that mitigates the risks, and still hews to the BBC’s editorial values, it is such a big win.”
Freedom to experiment
Other possible wins being trialed include a chatbot for internal knowledge management, tools for headline generation and translation, and a public-facing BBC Assistant focused on educating kids.
But there is “a much more ambitious story here” too, according to Danijela Horak, head of AI research at BBC R&D. For “a very long time” her team has been fine-tuning an open source Large Language Model using proprietary data, introducing increasingly ambitious tasks as it becomes ever more fluent in the BBC’s workflows, tone and style. “There [are] a bunch of things we’re doing with AI to improve efficiency, save money, improve recommendations, transcribe stuff, search our archives; a whole set of tools that aims to reduce complexity in a way that actually helps people do their job more effectively.”
Staff across editorial, business affairs, legal, and policy teams have also been given individual freedom to explore how ChatGPT, Microsoft Copilot, and Runway might add value to their roles. “This is a whole-organization issue”, Archer says. “You’ve got to let people experiment, you’ve got to let people play. It’s so new, we’re all learning together, we’re ramping this up with as much internal engagement as we can.”
Move steady, don’t break things
So far, so rosy. But as a publicly funded organization with a remit for “impartial, high-quality and distinctive” output, the BBC is also highly conscious of the need to corral employees’ enthusiasm within strict guardrails. Last October, BBC director of nations Rhodri Talfan Davies laid out a set of AI principles emphasizing the importance of transparency, human creativity, and social responsibility, while staff, freelancers, and partners must stick to stringent editorial guidelines.
Archer sees this as an opportunity as much as a constraint. In a landscape where U.K. audiences are spending more time watching BBC TV or iPlayer on average per week, per person, than they spend on Netflix, Disney+, and Amazon Prime combined, he believes that the corporation has a unique chance to lead best practice in the broadcasting space. “Nothing we’re doing at the minute is automation without a human,” he insists. “The license fee is a privilege so we do have a responsibility to how we use new technology. We absolutely have to be on the front foot.”
After all, in the aftermath of the ‘move fast and break things’ era, which surely broke as much as it fixed, surfing the top of the innovation S-curve doesn’t always make sense, for commercial as well as moral reasons. “We have what we call our Gen AI tech stack,” Archer explains. “We’re trying to think about what the architecture of that stack needs to be, which specific capabilities in the organization we need, which LLM models we need, how we make sure we are building in the most consistent way possible and exposing that through APIs to the rest of the organization.
“The opposite is that you’ve suddenly found you’ve got nine different contracts with four different cloud providers, you can’t keep track of cost, someone’s just run up a multimillion pound bill for the use of ChatGPT. So from the start we’re going to build it in a particular way and it may be slightly slower, but that’s okay.”
Frenemies under pressure
Another challenge lies in the dynamic between media organizations and tech companies, a special relationship as fraught as any geopolitical equivalent.
In April, Google launched U.K. trials of AI-generated search, and Pedro Cosa, a senior data expert who has led teams at Channel 4, WarnerMedia, and News UK, considers the tension between discoverability and discretion to be one of the most critical issues broadcasters face.
“The media companies have a very ‘frenemies’ relationship with the technology platforms,” he says. “These days people will often check their news on Facebook or Google or Apple, and what shows up first is what makes you money or gets you clicks. So media companies really depend on these platforms to get audiences, and the platforms rely on them to provide high-quality content, and AI is really making the media companies think harder about how to balance that.”
But perhaps the greatest challenge that the BBC – or any organization – faces when it comes to AI is the scale of the unknowns.
Archer emphasizes that this is a time for leaders to question everything, stay humble, and leave themselves open to being surprised. “This is a long-term fundamental transformation of the media market,” he says. “Just like with the smartphone and the internet, we must both look for the things that provide immediate value, but also the things that stretch us and stretch the industry in terms of our understanding about where this technology could go.”
Of course, for those broadcasters without license payers to answer to, AI may well go places that Auntie might balk at.
Personalized TV shows that adapt to your viewing history and preferences already exist, while LA-based startup Channel 1 plans to stream AI-generated news, presented by multilingual bots, by the end of the year. For football fans across the world, however, those spiced-up text pages may well have a bigger impact on their day-to-day lives. And nobody’s going to lose their job in the process.