你的汽車。智能手機。柜臺上的一串串香蕉。這些商品很有可能都是通過船舶運輸到你所在的市場。世界經濟論壇(World Economic Forum)表示,全球約90%的商品通過海洋運輸。
雖然汽車和卡車行業正在持續減少碳排放,但巨型集裝箱貨輪依舊是一個主要污染源。聯合國下屬的專門機構國際海事組織(International Maritime Organization)以及其他機構執行的新規定,正在努力推動該行業未來實現凈零排放。但這是一個緩慢的過程。
Bearing AI的聯合創始人兼CEO迪倫·凱爾表示:“[海洋運輸業]已經有非常悠久的歷史。眾所周知,這是一個保守的行業,它不會迅速采用新技術,而是會長時間延續相同的做法。”
Bearing AI創建于2019年,從人工智能先鋒吳恩達的人工智能基金(AI Fund)獲得了投資。
你的汽車。智能手機。柜臺上的一串串香蕉。這些商品很有可能都是通過船舶運輸到你所在的市場。世界經濟論壇(World Economic Forum)表示,全球約90%的商品通過海洋運輸。
雖然汽車和卡車行業正在持續減少碳排放,但巨型集裝箱貨輪依舊是一個主要污染源。聯合國下屬的專門機構國際海事組織(International Maritime Organization)以及其他機構執行的新規定,正在努力推動該行業未來實現凈零排放。但這是一個緩慢的過程。
Bearing AI的聯合創始人兼CEO迪倫·凱爾表示:“[海洋運輸業]已經有非常悠久的歷史。眾所周知,這是一個保守的行業,它不會迅速采用新技術,而是會長時間延續相同的做法。”
Bearing AI創建于2019年,從人工智能先鋒吳恩達的人工智能基金(AI Fund)獲得了投資。
Your car. Your smartphone. That bunch of bananas on your counter. Chances are all of these items made their way to you via ship. Roughly 90% of the world’s goods are transported by sea, according to the World Economic Forum.
And while there’s been a sustained push to cut the carbon emissions of cars and trucks, giant container ships have continued to be a major source of pollution. New regulations put in place by the International Maritime Organization, a specialized agency of the United Nations, and others are now trying to move the industry toward a net-zero future. But it’s been slow going.
“[The shipping industry] has been around for a very, very long time,” said Dylan Keil, cofounder and CEO of Bearing AI. “And it has this reputation of being conservative, not adopting new technology quickly, kind of continuing on the same path for a long time.”
Given the new environmental regulations however, Keil believes those attitudes toward technology are changing. This is good news for his company, which sells itself as “the AI decision engine for the maritime shipping industry.”
“So for the first time, shipping companies can actually understand…the impact of every action they might take. So if that’s slowing down a vessel, let’s say from 12 and a half to 12.3 knots, if that’s changing where a vessel is deployed…they can know in real time what the impact is going to be to their emissions, to their fuel costs, to their overall profitability.”
Bearing AI, founded in 2019 and backed by AI pioneer Andrew Ng’s AI Fund.