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在科技行業,南亞電路板股份有限公司(Nan Ya Printed Circuit Board Corp.)幾乎肯定不是一個家喻戶曉的名字。但這家鮮為人知的中國臺灣地區的公司專注于為芯片制造行業生產一種至關重要的部件,而芯片制造已經成為飽受半導體短缺之苦的汽車和電子產品制造商面臨的最新瓶頸。


沒有這種載板,世界上許多最先進的半導體就無法運行。因此,盡管英特爾(Intel Corp.)和臺積電(Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co.)等業界巨頭砸下數千億美元來緩解“芯片荒”,但這一重要部件的短缺可能會在未來好幾年內阻礙芯片的生產。據知情人士透露,由于產能有限,ABF載板的供應可能至少在2025年之前都將受到限制。

近幾個月來,英特爾、英偉達(Nvidia Corp.)和超微半導體(Advanced Micro Devices Inc.)等公司的高管相繼就芯片短缺問題發出預警。一位不愿透露姓名的內部人士表示,博通公司(Broadcom Corp.)最近告訴客戶,由于缺乏載板,其主要路由器芯片的交貨時間將從63周延長到70周。


“眼下這場缺芯危機讓很多企業措手不及?!必惗鞴荆˙ain & Co.)的合伙人彼得·漢伯里說,“自新冠疫情爆發以來,居家辦公蔚然成風,對個人電腦、游戲卡和云服務的需求顯著增加。在這種背景下,這一關鍵部件突然成為超微半導體和英偉達等許多企業的真正瓶頸。”

這種供應短缺正在助推南亞這類昔日默默無聞的ABF載板廠商成為耀眼的股市明星。在截至9月15日的三年中,其股價已經累計上漲了1219%,而且分析師預計南亞的股價還將進一步走高。欣興電子(Uniimicron Technology Corp.)、景碩科技(Kinsus Interconnect Technology Corp.)和日本揖斐電株式會社(Ibiden Co.)等ABF載板生產商的股價也在持續飆漲。

“隨著出貨量激增,預計這些公司的利潤將在未來幾年繼續飆升?!盇ce經濟研究所(Ace Research Institute)的分析師安田秀樹表示。


ABF載板是一種相對較新的組件,由英特爾在20世紀90年代末開發更強大的微處理器時率先使用。其名稱源自日本味之素株式會社(Ajinomoto Co.),該公司專門生產這種載板的薄膜狀絕緣材料。這種材料最初被用作個人電腦和服務器CPU(即中央處理器)的首選封裝技術,因為它有利于高端芯片的快速計算。


英特爾、超微半導體和英偉達等主要半導體公司現在都依賴ABF載板來生產世界上最強大的芯片。但由于對昔日的賠錢歲月心有余悸,ABF載板制造商一直不愿大舉投資產能?;ㄆ旒瘓F(Citigroup Inc.)的分析師格蘭特·遲(音譯)和內藤孝之在7月初預測,到2024年,載板供應量預計將以16%的復合年增長率上升,而需求估計將攀升18%至19%。

President Capital Management Corp.公司的分析師歐文·程(音譯)在本月在一份研究報告中寫道,由于高性能計算和人工智能等技術增長迅猛,明年的ABF載板供需缺口將比今年擴大33%之多。這可能會使南亞和欣興電子等公司受益。


ABF載板供不應求的局面加劇了芯片行業面臨的一系列供應瓶頸,而這些瓶頸已經持續阻礙全球經濟從新冠疫情復蘇的步伐,就連豐田汽車(Toyota Motor Corp.)和蘋果(Apple Inc.)等巨頭級企業也受到沖擊。世界各地的公司現在很難生產足夠多的產品來滿足需求。

英特爾在7月警告稱,由于載板和其他部件的供應受限,其客戶計算部門的收入將持續下降。向蘋果和思科系統(Cisco Systems Inc.)等公司供貨的博通公司,則拒絕就其延長交貨時間一事置評。

一些客戶正在自己動手解決問題。超微半導體的首席執行官蘇姿豐(Lisa Su)在4月告訴分析師,她領導的這家芯片制造商將投入自有資金來幫助供應商增加產能。








President Capital Management的分析師歐文·程最近將他給南亞設定的目標價上調至新臺幣570元。這比目前的股價高出了27%。(財富中文網)


在科技行業,南亞電路板股份有限公司(Nan Ya Printed Circuit Board Corp.)幾乎肯定不是一個家喻戶曉的名字。但這家鮮為人知的中國臺灣地區的公司專注于為芯片制造行業生產一種至關重要的部件,而芯片制造已經成為飽受半導體短缺之苦的汽車和電子產品制造商面臨的最新瓶頸。


沒有這種載板,世界上許多最先進的半導體就無法運行。因此,盡管英特爾(Intel Corp.)和臺積電(Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co.)等業界巨頭砸下數千億美元來緩解“芯片荒”,但這一重要部件的短缺可能會在未來好幾年內阻礙芯片的生產。據知情人士透露,由于產能有限,ABF載板的供應可能至少在2025年之前都將受到限制。

近幾個月來,英特爾、英偉達(Nvidia Corp.)和超微半導體(Advanced Micro Devices Inc.)等公司的高管相繼就芯片短缺問題發出預警。一位不愿透露姓名的內部人士表示,博通公司(Broadcom Corp.)最近告訴客戶,由于缺乏載板,其主要路由器芯片的交貨時間將從63周延長到70周。


“眼下這場缺芯危機讓很多企業措手不及。”貝恩公司(Bain & Co.)的合伙人彼得·漢伯里說,“自新冠疫情爆發以來,居家辦公蔚然成風,對個人電腦、游戲卡和云服務的需求顯著增加。在這種背景下,這一關鍵部件突然成為超微半導體和英偉達等許多企業的真正瓶頸?!?/p>

這種供應短缺正在助推南亞這類昔日默默無聞的ABF載板廠商成為耀眼的股市明星。在截至9月15日的三年中,其股價已經累計上漲了1219%,而且分析師預計南亞的股價還將進一步走高。欣興電子(Uniimicron Technology Corp.)、景碩科技(Kinsus Interconnect Technology Corp.)和日本揖斐電株式會社(Ibiden Co.)等ABF載板生產商的股價也在持續飆漲。

“隨著出貨量激增,預計這些公司的利潤將在未來幾年繼續飆升。”Ace經濟研究所(Ace Research Institute)的分析師安田秀樹表示。


ABF載板是一種相對較新的組件,由英特爾在20世紀90年代末開發更強大的微處理器時率先使用。其名稱源自日本味之素株式會社(Ajinomoto Co.),該公司專門生產這種載板的薄膜狀絕緣材料。這種材料最初被用作個人電腦和服務器CPU(即中央處理器)的首選封裝技術,因為它有利于高端芯片的快速計算。


英特爾、超微半導體和英偉達等主要半導體公司現在都依賴ABF載板來生產世界上最強大的芯片。但由于對昔日的賠錢歲月心有余悸,ABF載板制造商一直不愿大舉投資產能。花旗集團(Citigroup Inc.)的分析師格蘭特·遲(音譯)和內藤孝之在7月初預測,到2024年,載板供應量預計將以16%的復合年增長率上升,而需求估計將攀升18%至19%。

President Capital Management Corp.公司的分析師歐文·程(音譯)在本月在一份研究報告中寫道,由于高性能計算和人工智能等技術增長迅猛,明年的ABF載板供需缺口將比今年擴大33%之多。這可能會使南亞和欣興電子等公司受益。


ABF載板供不應求的局面加劇了芯片行業面臨的一系列供應瓶頸,而這些瓶頸已經持續阻礙全球經濟從新冠疫情復蘇的步伐,就連豐田汽車(Toyota Motor Corp.)和蘋果(Apple Inc.)等巨頭級企業也受到沖擊。世界各地的公司現在很難生產足夠多的產品來滿足需求。

英特爾在7月警告稱,由于載板和其他部件的供應受限,其客戶計算部門的收入將持續下降。向蘋果和思科系統(Cisco Systems Inc.)等公司供貨的博通公司,則拒絕就其延長交貨時間一事置評。

一些客戶正在自己動手解決問題。超微半導體的首席執行官蘇姿豐(Lisa Su)在4月告訴分析師,她領導的這家芯片制造商將投入自有資金來幫助供應商增加產能。








President Capital Management的分析師歐文·程最近將他給南亞設定的目標價上調至新臺幣570元。這比目前的股價高出了27%。(財富中文網)


Nan Ya Printed Circuit Board Corp. is hardly a household name in the tech industry. But the obscure Taiwanese company makes an essential component for chipmaking that has become the latest bottleneck for automakers and electronics companies suffering from semiconductor shortages.

The component goes by the unwieldy name of Ajinomoto build-up film (ABF) substrate and it’s one of the least glamorous niches in the chips industry. It’s part of the packaging that protects the handful of chips needed to power your computer or car and allows communication among them.

Many of the world’s most advanced semiconductors can’t run without the substrates. So while giants like Intel Corp. and Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co. spend hundreds of billions trying to alleviate chip shortages, the lack of that single component could hinder production for years. Supplies are likely to remain constrained until at least 2025 due to limited capacity, according to people familiar with the matter.

Top executives from Intel, Nvidia Corp. and Advanced Micro Devices Inc. have all warned about shortages in recent months. Broadcom Corp. recently told customers the lead time for its main router chips is going up from 63 weeks to 70 weeks due to a lack of substrates, according to one person, who asked not to be named as the information is not public.

The crunch shows how vulnerable global supply chains remain to disruptions almost two years into the COVID-19 pandemic. Companies and investors have almost no visibility into where the next shock could come from.

“This crisis caught a number players off guard,” said Peter Hanbury, a partner at Bain & Co. “As demand for PCs, gaming cards and cloud services increased with COVID-19 and working from home, this critical component suddenly became a real bottleneck for many players such as AMD and Nvidia.”

The squeeze is turning low-profile companies like Nan Ya into stock market stars. Its shares have soared 1,219% in the past three years through September 15, and analysts project more to come. ABF substrate makers such as Unimicron Technology Corp., Kinsus Interconnect Technology Corp., and Ibiden Co. have all seen their stocks climb too.

“Profits at these companies are expected to keep soaring for years to come as shipment quantities skyrocket,” said Hideki Yasuda, an analyst at Ace Research Institute.

Nan Ya rose as much as 3.2% on September 16, while Unimicron gained 3.9% and Kinsus added 2.7%.

ABF substrate is a relatively new component, pioneered by Intel in the late 1990s as it developed more powerful microprocessors. It takes its name from Ajinomoto Co., a Japanese company that produces the substrate’s film-like insulation. The material was first adopted as the preferred packaging technology for central processing units in personal computers and servers because it facilitates speedy computations by high-end chips.

Sales of ABF substrates surged in the early 2000s with the Internet boom, then took a hit as smartphones began replacing PCs in the late 2000s. Substrate makers’ fortunes started to recover around 2018 as countries began to roll out fifth-generation wireless services, which led companies like Broadcom that make networking chips to adopt the material for use in routers, base stations and related applications. The advent of 5G also boosted demand for more powerful server chips to handle cloud computing, artificial intelligence and smart-driving technologies. The cost of ABF substrate, usually quoted per chip, starts at about 50 cents a chip and tops $20 for premium server CPUs.

Major semiconductors companies like Intel, AMD and Nvidia now all depend on ABF substrates to produce the most powerful chips in the world. But substrate makers have been reluctant to invest aggressively in capacity because of money-losing slumps in the past. Supply is expected to rise at a compound annual growth rate of 16% through 2024, while demand is estimated to climb 18% to 19%, Citigroup Inc. analysts Grant Chi and Takayuki Naito forecast in early July.

Owen Cheng, an analyst at President Capital Management Corp., wrote in a note this month that the gap between demand and supply will rise as much as 33% next year compared to this year because of growth in technologies like high-performance computing and artificial intelligence. That will probably benefit the likes of Nan Ya and Unimicron.

“Nan Ya could raise its ABF substrates price by 35% in 2022,” Cheng wrote.

The ABF situation adds to a series of bottlenecks in the chip industry that have hampered the global recovery from COVID-19, hitting even giants like Toyota Motor Corp. and Apple Inc. Companies around the world are struggling to produce enough to meet demand.

Intel warned in July that revenue in its client computing group will decline sequentially due to constraints from substrates and other components. Broadcom, which sells to companies like Apple and Cisco Systems Inc., declined to comment on its wait times.

Some customers are taking matters into their own hands. AMD Chief Executive Officer Lisa Su told analysts in April that the chipmaker would put its own money into increasing capacity at suppliers.

“On the substrate side, in particular, I think there has been under-investment in the industry,” she said. “And so we’ve taken the opportunity to invest in some substrate capacity dedicated to AMD, and that will be something that we continue to do going forward.”

Auto chip suppliers will use more ABF substrates as vehicles grow increasingly electrified and digitized. They are, however, struggling to get top priority among substrate makers because they lack the bargaining power of major semiconductor companies like Intel, people familiar with the situation said. That could mean more direct investment in substrate producers or the entry of new ABF substrate players.

“Going forward, I expect we’ll see more players change their approach to this segment with a more careful plan to monitor capacity and more efforts to reserve capacity in advance,” said Hanbury of Bain.

Nan Ya is stepping up investment. The company is spending at least NT$8 billion ($289 million) in capital expenditure this year and even more in 2022. The company will boost ABF substrate production capacity 40% from its 2020 level by 2023, according to company spokesman Jack Lu. Even that won’t be enough for customers.

“Demand will continue to outpace supply until 2023,” Lu said.

Unimicron said in July that most of the company’s ABF substrate capacity has been allocated to various customers up until 2025.

The tightness is pushing up profits throughout the industry. Nan Ya is projected to see operating profit almost triple this year as revenue rises 33%, according to analyst estimates compiled by Bloomberg. Citigroup analysts Chi and Naito raised their price targets for all the major ABF substrate makers, including Unimicron, Nan Ya, Kinsus and Ibiden.

Cheng of President Capital Management recently bumped his price target for Nan Ya to NT$570. That’s 27% higher than its current price.



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