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Jeremy Kahn




在對鴨肝、鵝肝的實驗室培養技術、工藝進行優化完善之后,總部位于巴黎的初創企業——Gourmey公司做出了如是承諾。(如果你對其業務沒有概念,)不妨將其設想為米其林級別的Memphis Meats(細胞培養肉公司,現在名為Upside Foods)。









Gourmey是全球20多家試圖不使用動物、單純利用動物蛋白生產各種食品的初創企業之一。其他此類企業還有總部位于加州的行業先鋒——Upside Foods、同樣位于加州的Mission Barns、以色列的Aleph Farms和中國的先鋒肉類(Avant Meats)等等。這種技術為“零殘忍”小牛肉等食品的出現提供了可能,甚至“人造猶太培根”或許有朝一日都有可能出現在我們的餐桌之上。



莫蘭-福雷指出,選擇售價相對高昂的“法式鵝肝”切入市場并非Gourmey偶然為之,而是經過戰略考量的結果。(由于“人造肉”成本較高),選擇法式鵝肝可以讓該公司的產品獲得一定的價格競爭力,讓該公司更有機會在相當的價位與農場生產出的產品同臺競技。對于其他以大眾食品(例如Upside Foods率先推出的漢堡包、雞胸肉產品和初創企業Eat Just發明的雞塊產品)為目標的“人造肉”而言,價格競爭力不足正是其潛在的致命弱點。消費者雖然從道德上會對人造蛋白質產品表示支持,但在高昂的售價面前也難免會打退堂鼓。


Gourmey公司的員工。圖片來源:Courtesy of Gourmey

7月14日,正值法國國慶日假期之際,Gourmey宣布已經從Point Nine、Air Street Capital、Heartcore、Partech、Big Idea Ventures、Eutopia Ventures、Ataraxia和Beyond Investing等風投公司獲得了1000萬美元的額外風投資金。


要想銷售自家產品,該公司需要通過多國審批,而其中許多地方甚至尚未制訂有關“人造肉”的認證標準。莫蘭-福雷表示,Gourmey將首先尋求在美國獲批上市銷售,然后將把目標放在對法式鵝肝等美食需求日益飆升的亞洲國家(新加坡已經批準Eat Just的人造雞肉上市銷售),最后是歐盟國家。他希望從2022年年底或2023年年初開始,該公司的產品可以通過世界各地的優質食品經銷商和餐廳行銷全球。


與莫蘭-福雷共同創建該公司的維克托?薩尤和安托萬?達維多夫(Antoine Davydoff)分別是分子生物學家和細胞生物學家,通過從鴨蛋中提取的干細胞制造法式鵝肝就是他們的想法。立項之初,他們就很清楚,打造法式鵝肝那種細膩、綿密的口感和風味絕非易事,只是他們也沒有料到難度竟然如此之大。



Gourmey公司的法式鵝肝樣品。圖片來源:Photo by Jeremy Kahn







在對鴨肝、鵝肝的實驗室培養技術、工藝進行優化完善之后,總部位于巴黎的初創企業——Gourmey公司做出了如是承諾。(如果你對其業務沒有概念,)不妨將其設想為米其林級別的Memphis Meats(細胞培養肉公司,現在名為Upside Foods)。









Gourmey是全球20多家試圖不使用動物、單純利用動物蛋白生產各種食品的初創企業之一。其他此類企業還有總部位于加州的行業先鋒——Upside Foods、同樣位于加州的Mission Barns、以色列的Aleph Farms和中國的先鋒肉類(Avant Meats)等等。這種技術為“零殘忍”小牛肉等食品的出現提供了可能,甚至“人造猶太培根”或許有朝一日都有可能出現在我們的餐桌之上。



莫蘭-福雷指出,選擇售價相對高昂的“法式鵝肝”切入市場并非Gourmey偶然為之,而是經過戰略考量的結果。(由于“人造肉”成本較高),選擇法式鵝肝可以讓該公司的產品獲得一定的價格競爭力,讓該公司更有機會在相當的價位與農場生產出的產品同臺競技。對于其他以大眾食品(例如Upside Foods率先推出的漢堡包、雞胸肉產品和初創企業Eat Just發明的雞塊產品)為目標的“人造肉”而言,價格競爭力不足正是其潛在的致命弱點。消費者雖然從道德上會對人造蛋白質產品表示支持,但在高昂的售價面前也難免會打退堂鼓。


7月14日,正值法國國慶日假期之際,Gourmey宣布已經從Point Nine、Air Street Capital、Heartcore、Partech、Big Idea Ventures、Eutopia Ventures、Ataraxia和Beyond Investing等風投公司獲得了1000萬美元的額外風投資金。


要想銷售自家產品,該公司需要通過多國審批,而其中許多地方甚至尚未制訂有關“人造肉”的認證標準。莫蘭-福雷表示,Gourmey將首先尋求在美國獲批上市銷售,然后將把目標放在對法式鵝肝等美食需求日益飆升的亞洲國家(新加坡已經批準Eat Just的人造雞肉上市銷售),最后是歐盟國家。他希望從2022年年底或2023年年初開始,該公司的產品可以通過世界各地的優質食品經銷商和餐廳行銷全球。


與莫蘭-福雷共同創建該公司的維克托?薩尤和安托萬?達維多夫(Antoine Davydoff)分別是分子生物學家和細胞生物學家,通過從鴨蛋中提取的干細胞制造法式鵝肝就是他們的想法。立項之初,他們就很清楚,打造法式鵝肝那種細膩、綿密的口感和風味絕非易事,只是他們也沒有料到難度竟然如此之大。








Foie gras without the guilt.

That’s the promise of a Paris-based startup called Gourmey that has perfected the science and art of creating lab-grown duck and goose liver. Think Memphis Meats (now called Upside Foods) for the Michelin-star set.

On July 14, Gourmey announced it has raised $10 million in additional venture funding.

Foie gras, which is made from duck or goose liver, has long been public enemy No. 1 among those concerned about the animal cruelty inherent in the human food chain. That’s because, to prod the birds’ bodies into growing extremely large and fatty livers, farmers alternately starve and then force-feed the animals, including inserting a tube down their throats, in the final weeks before they are slaughtered.

Production of foie gras has been outlawed in 17 countries, including the U.K., which is also considering prohibiting foie gras from being imported from France. In the U.S., California passed a ban in 2004 on producing the rich, creamy paté in the state (the ban, which went into effect in 2012, has been in and out of court since). And the delicacy is poised to become illegal in New York City starting next year. Many top chefs have also voluntarily opted to remove foie gras from their menus on ethical grounds.

But the product remains very popular in France, where it is closely associated with the country’s world-renowned culinary tradition, as well as in Spain and Japan. Globally, the sale of foie gras is a $2 billion per year industry.

Going beyond burgers

The fact that foie gras is so closely associated with France’s haute cuisine is one of the reasons Gourmey’s founders wanted to take it on as their first product after the company was launched in 2019. Nicolas Morin-Forest, Gourmey’s cofounder and CEO, says he wanted to prove that lab-grown meat could “go beyond burgers” and play a role in “gastronomy.” He also knew that the ban on the production or sale of foie gras in many places created a ready market, with many top chefs actively looking for an alternative.

Morin-Forest, who has a background in marketing, also knew that if his startup managed to create lab-cultured foie gras, it could garner a lot of free publicity, especially in France, and the company would be able to count on the endorsement of top chefs and restaurants.

Of course, Gourmey can’t actually call its product “foie gras” in France. That appellation is reserved, by law, for the substance produced from the livers of force-fed geese. So in the startup’s native land, it will market the product as simply a “poultry delicacy.”

Gourmey is one of about two dozen young companies around the world seeking to grow various kinds of food using animal proteins, but without the animals. Alongside Upside Foods, the California-based pioneer in the industry, are companies like Mission Barns, also in California, Aleph Farms, in Israel, and Avant Meats, in China. The technology opens avenues for foods such as cruelty-free veal and even, just maybe, kosher bacon.

And it’s not just those who care about the ethical treatment of animals who are eager to see an end to the use of farmed animals to produce protein. So too are many people interested in combating climate change. Livestock contribute greatly to greenhouse gas production, both directly from the methane emitted by cows, and also because carbon dioxide–trapping trees and forests are cut down and burned to create land for grazing and to grow feed crops. What’s more, the antibiotics used to treat livestock are seen as a leading factor in the growth of antibiotic-resistant superbugs.

Delicacy price point

The fact that foie gras is a relatively expensive delicacy was part of Gourmey’s strategic calculus: It meant the company would have a better chance of creating a product that would achieve price parity—or at least be price competitive—with foie gras produced from farmed animals, Morin-Forest says. Price competitiveness is a potential Achilles’ heel for other lab-grown meats that have targeted mass-market foods, such as hamburgers and chicken breasts (which are the first markets that Upside Foods is tackling) or chicken nuggets (which startup Eat Just created), as consumers are likely to balk at paying a hefty premium, despite the ethical arguments in favor of lab-grown protein.

Gourmey plans to eventually produce a full range of lab-grown meats, starting with other poultry products that can be produced using the same stem cell lines, harvested from duck, chicken, or turkey eggs, as the foie gras.

On Juky 14, just in time for France’s Bastille Day holiday, the startup announced that it has received $10 million in additional funding from a group of venture capital firms that include Point Nine, Air Street Capital, Heartcore, Partech, Big Idea Ventures, Eutopia Ventures, Ataraxia, and Beyond Investing.

Morin-Forest says the company plans to use the money to perfect its foie gras and build a production facility in central Paris to begin producing it in larger quantities. “We want to show that meat can be produced in the heart of the cities where it is consumed,” he says. “We want a very short path from ‘cell-cultivator to fork.’” Gourmey also plans to hire more food engineers and biologists, expanding its workforce from about 20 to at least 30.

To sell its product, the company will need regulatory approval in various countries around the world, and many of those places have yet to establish protocols for certifying lab-grown meat. Morin-Forest says Gourmey will seek approval to sell in the U.S. first, followed by Asia, where demand for delicacies like foie gras is soaring and where Singapore has already approved the sale of Eat Just's lab-grown chicken, and finally the European Union. He hopes to deliver the product through fine-food distributors and restaurants worldwide starting in late 2022 or early 2023.

Creating creamy texture in a lab

Morin-Forest’s cofounders, Victor Sayous, a molecular biologist, and Antoine Davydoff, a cell biologist, surmised foie gras could be created from poultry stem cells harvested from duck eggs. But they knew it would be difficult to match the delicate flavor and creamy texture of foie gras. Just how difficult, even they underestimated.

“It was an exceptionally hard process,” Morin-Forest says. The company had to figure out what was happening molecularly in the livers of the birds when they are being force-fed. “The liver cells are almost exploding because they have to accumulate so much lipids,” he says.

While the startup can replicate some of this in the way it grows its liver cells in the lab by feeding the cells proteins and lipids designed to match those found in the corn and soy that farmers feed their ducks and geese, that alone was not enough to match the flavor and texture of farmed foie gras.

So the startup then had to do careful analysis of all the compounds present in foie gras to figure out exactly which ones were responsible for which aspects of the product’s taste, look, and feel, and then try to replicate those with plant-based oils and fats, which it combines with the lab-cultured liver cells. “It took about 600 to 650 different compound interactions from the start until we found a satisfying prototype version,” Morin-Forest says.

How did they do? A sample that Gourmey sent me to try looked a bit funny—a round patty about the size of a hockey puck, light brown in color and topped with a layer of yellow fat—but it smelled and tasted just like the real McCoy. The flavor and texture of the pinkish-taupe liver paté was, to my palate at least, indistinguishable from the farm-produced stuff and, well, delicious.

Having figured out foie gras, Gourmey’s next target, Morin-Forest says, is duck magret. It then might move down-market into chicken fillets. Those waiting for the lab-grown bucket of wings, however, may have to be patient.



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