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Aaron Pressman






AMD的首席執行官蘇姿豐(Lisa Su)已經連續兩年在CES上發表主題演講——這樣的殊榮也與該公司在計算機處理器方面的領先表現相稱。頂級個人電腦制造商惠普(HP)和聯想的首席執行官、微軟(Microsoft)和盧卡斯影業(Lucasfilm)的高管也都加入了她的演講。


在新產品方面,蘇姿豐首次推出了基于第三代AMD Zen架構設計的筆記本電腦處理器芯片,稱為Zen3。新的Ryzen 5000系列運行速度高達4.8GHz,比去年的4.2 GHz的最高速度還要快。該公司指出,這些芯片的性能比AMD以前用于筆記本電腦的產品快16%。同時,AMD還表示,在2021年,會有150款搭載這種新芯片的筆記本電腦上市銷售,包括華碩、惠普和聯想等品牌即將于2月發售的新款。

在臺式機芯片方面,AMD推出了一些基于Zen 3架構設計的、面向消費類的新型高端版本,其中包括運行速度高達4.2GHz的AMD Ryzen Threadripper PRO 3995WX。不過AMD沒有透露該芯片的價格。




英特爾的演講并非像2020年那樣,由首席執行官司睿博(Bob Swan)主持——相反,在1月11日的大會上,相關儀式由執行副總裁格雷格?布萊恩特負責。



英特爾旗下Tiger Lake-H處理器的最新版本,可以與英偉達的移動顯卡配套使用。芯片還兼容最新的Wi-Fi標準——Wi-Fi 6E。據悉,該標準使用了聯邦監管機構近期提供的新波段。英特爾還展示了一款使用其新芯片的筆記本電腦,在以Deep Silver公司開發的《Metro Exodus》游戲為樣本的比較試驗結果顯示,英特爾的這款芯片略優于AMD最新的筆記本游戲芯片。

在一場有說唱歌手Chance The Rapper助陣的發布會上,英特爾還推出了針對低成本筆記本電腦Chromebook及學校設備的芯片。在新冠肺炎疫情之下,居家學習的學生對筆記本的需求增加,相關芯片項目得以蓬勃發展。英特爾表示,2020年面向學校的個人電腦銷量躍升了37%,其低價處理器Pentium Silver和Celeron版本更新后,Zoom會議視頻得以更加清晰,Wi-Fi也升級至Wi-Fi 6,連接速度得到了提高。

最后,英特爾提供了下一代處理器Alder Lake的快速前瞻。Alder Lake芯片的設計更像基于ARM技術的蘋果和高通處理器,將高性能處理核心和低功耗節能核心合二為一。英特爾表示,處理器將于2021年下半年上市。

Alder Lake處理器預計將是“硅仙人”吉姆?凱勒監管之下英特爾首款上市芯片。凱勒在英特爾工作了兩年,于2020年6月離職。







英偉達最新的桌面顯卡定價在400美元至1500美元之間。因此,其推出了一款名為RTX 3060的新型桌面顯卡,售價330美元。在一款充滿各種閃光和反射的高性能要求的游戲(一種被稱為光線追蹤的計算機操作)中,新顯卡的表現將是英偉達上一代價格最低顯卡的10倍。英偉達早期的Ampere顯卡很快就已經銷售一空,其表示,RTX 3060將于2月底上市。

英偉達還在其新推出的RTX 30系列筆記本電腦圖形芯片中引入了Ampere架構。該公司稱,新款芯片的電池效率是上一代移動芯片的兩倍,性能也有所提高。這一系列芯片將在本月底上市的70多款筆記本電腦上投入使用。(財富中文網)





AMD的首席執行官蘇姿豐(Lisa Su)已經連續兩年在CES上發表主題演講——這樣的殊榮也與該公司在計算機處理器方面的領先表現相稱。頂級個人電腦制造商惠普(HP)和聯想的首席執行官、微軟(Microsoft)和盧卡斯影業(Lucasfilm)的高管也都加入了她的演講。


在新產品方面,蘇姿豐首次推出了基于第三代AMD Zen架構設計的筆記本電腦處理器芯片,稱為Zen3。新的Ryzen 5000系列運行速度高達4.8GHz,比去年的4.2 GHz的最高速度還要快。該公司指出,這些芯片的性能比AMD以前用于筆記本電腦的產品快16%。同時,AMD還表示,在2021年,會有150款搭載這種新芯片的筆記本電腦上市銷售,包括華碩、惠普和聯想等品牌即將于2月發售的新款。

在臺式機芯片方面,AMD推出了一些基于Zen 3架構設計的、面向消費類的新型高端版本,其中包括運行速度高達4.2GHz的AMD Ryzen Threadripper PRO 3995WX。不過AMD沒有透露該芯片的價格。




英特爾的演講并非像2020年那樣,由首席執行官司睿博(Bob Swan)主持——相反,在1月11日的大會上,相關儀式由執行副總裁格雷格?布萊恩特負責。



英特爾旗下Tiger Lake-H處理器的最新版本,可以與英偉達的移動顯卡配套使用。芯片還兼容最新的Wi-Fi標準——Wi-Fi 6E。據悉,該標準使用了聯邦監管機構近期提供的新波段。英特爾還展示了一款使用其新芯片的筆記本電腦,在以Deep Silver公司開發的《Metro Exodus》游戲為樣本的比較試驗結果顯示,英特爾的這款芯片略優于AMD最新的筆記本游戲芯片。

在一場有說唱歌手Chance The Rapper助陣的發布會上,英特爾還推出了針對低成本筆記本電腦Chromebook及學校設備的芯片。在新冠肺炎疫情之下,居家學習的學生對筆記本的需求增加,相關芯片項目得以蓬勃發展。英特爾表示,2020年面向學校的個人電腦銷量躍升了37%,其低價處理器Pentium Silver和Celeron版本更新后,Zoom會議視頻得以更加清晰,Wi-Fi也升級至Wi-Fi 6,連接速度得到了提高。

最后,英特爾提供了下一代處理器Alder Lake的快速前瞻。Alder Lake芯片的設計更像基于ARM技術的蘋果和高通處理器,將高性能處理核心和低功耗節能核心合二為一。英特爾表示,處理器將于2021年下半年上市。

Alder Lake處理器預計將是“硅仙人”吉姆?凱勒監管之下英特爾首款上市芯片。凱勒在英特爾工作了兩年,于2020年6月離職。







英偉達最新的桌面顯卡定價在400美元至1500美元之間。因此,其推出了一款名為RTX 3060的新型桌面顯卡,售價330美元。在一款充滿各種閃光和反射的高性能要求的游戲(一種被稱為光線追蹤的計算機操作)中,新顯卡的表現將是英偉達上一代價格最低顯卡的10倍。英偉達早期的Ampere顯卡很快就已經銷售一空,其表示,RTX 3060將于2月底上市。

英偉達還在其新推出的RTX 30系列筆記本電腦圖形芯片中引入了Ampere架構。該公司稱,新款芯片的電池效率是上一代移動芯片的兩倍,性能也有所提高。這一系列芯片將在本月底上市的70多款筆記本電腦上投入使用。(財富中文網)


Intel, Advanced Micro Devices, Nvidia, and Qualcomm debuted their latest chips at the 2021 CES tech trade event this week. As is the case in most years, the new chips are faster and more power-efficient versions of existing technology, helping laptop makers create smaller and thinner devices with longer battery life. Some of the new chips, which have been in development for years, will be used in computers that on sale in the next few months, while others face a longer lead time.

Here’s what chipmakers announced at CES.


AMD CEO Lisa Su was a CES keynote speaker for the second year in a row, befitting the company’s leading performance in computer processors. Su was joined for parts of her talk by the CEOs of top PC makers HP and Lenovo as well as top executives from Microsoft and Lucasfilm.

After the PC industry posted its highest sales in six years last year, thanks to legions of stay-at-home workers and students, Su predicted continued strong sales in 2021. “We expect [PC] demand to be even higher in 2021,” she said.

For new products, Su first introduced a line of processor chips for laptops that will be based on the third generation of AMD’s Zen design, dubbed Zen 3. The new Ryzen 5000 series runs at speeds of up to 4.8GHz, faster than last year’s 4.2GHz top speed. The chips are up to 16% faster than AMD’s prior laptop offerings, the company noted. AMD said 150 new laptops with the new chips would hit the market in 2021, including models arriving in February from Asus, HP, and Lenovo.

For desktop computers, AMD introduced some new high-end versions of chips with the Zen 3 design aimed at consumers, including the AMD Ryzen Threadripper PRO 3995WX, which runs at speeds of up to 4.2GHz. AMD did not disclose how much the chip would cost.

Su also showed the first live demonstration of the company’s upcoming chip for servers and cloud data centers, code-named Milan. A system powered by the new chip outperformed an Intel-equipped system by 68% in creating a complex weather forecast. But AMD hasn’t yet said when the Milan chips will go on sale.


Intel struggled in 2020, as it suffered setbacks in manufacturing chips with the latest technology for a second straight year. But unlike 2020, the problems did not stop Intel from unveiling new processors at CES 2021.

CEO Bob Swan didn’t lead Intel’s presentation, as he did in 2020. Instead, executive vice president Greg Bryant acted as master of ceremonies on January 11.

Among the highlights, Intel expanded the 11th generation of its “Core” processor chip architecture from last year’s chips for thin laptops by adding new chips for more powerful (and bulkier) gaming laptops and desktops.

New Core S-series chips for desktops are 14% faster than Intel’s prior best gaming chips, the company said.

New versions of the company’s H-series for powerful laptops, code-named Tiger Lake, can pair with mobile graphics chips from Nvidia. The chips are also compatible with the very latest Wi-Fi standard known as Wi-Fi 6E that uses new airwave bands just made available by federal regulators. Intel showed a laptop with one of its new chips slightly outperforming AMD’s latest laptop gaming chip while running Deep Silver’s Metro Exodus game.

In a presentation that included an appearance by Chance the Rapper, Intel also unveiled chips aimed at low-cost Chromebooks and other devices for schools. The segment has boomed under COVID, as kids forced to study from home needed laptops. Intel said sales of PCs to schools jumped 37% last year. The company said the latest versions of its low-cost Pentium Silver and Celeron processors offer clearer video for Zoom conferences and include the recent upgrades to Wi-Fi, known as Wi-Fi 6, for faster connectivity.

Finally, Intel offered a “sneak peek” at its next-generation processor, called Alder Lake. Designed more like processors from Apple and Qualcomm that are based on technology from ARM, the Alder Lake chip will combine high-performance processing cores with lower-power cores that save energy. It will be available in the second half of 2021, Intel said.

The Alder Lake processors are expected to be the first Intel chips to hit the market that were overseen by chip design star Jim Keller, who worked at the company for two years before leaving in June.


The leading maker of mobile chips for smartphones already revealed its latest processor designs in recent weeks.

But at CES, the company still had a new product to announce: an updated under-glass fingerprint sensor that can unlock a phone when the user simply presses a finger on the display. The second-generation 3D Sonic Sensor is 50% faster at unlocking than Qualcomm’s original technology from 2019, the company said. It should be available in phones soon, though Qualcomm didn’t give specific details on upcoming devices.


Last year, Nvidia unveiled high- and mid-price desktop graphics cards for gamers using its newest Ampere design. At CES 2021, the chipmaker focused on lower-price cards and chips for laptops.

But first, senior vice president Jeff Fisher offered an apology of sorts regarding widespread shortages of the new cards. “Ampere has been our fastest-selling architecture ever, selling almost twice as much as our prior generation,” he said. “We know these products have been hard to find. I want to thank you for your patience as we continue to work hard to catch up.”

For desktops, Nvidia’s latest lineup is priced at $400 to $1,500. So the company unveiled a new desktop card, called the RTX 3060, costing $330. For performance in games depicting shining lights and reflections, a computer operation known as ray tracing, the new cards will be 10 times as fast as the lowest-price cards from Nvidia’s prior generation. Nvidia’s earlier Ampere-powered cards sold out quickly. The RTX 3060 will go on sale in late February, the company said.

Nvidia is also bringing its Ampere design to laptop graphics chips with its new RTX 30 series. The company said the new chips are twice as battery efficient as its prior generation of mobile chips and still offer improved performance. The chips will be in more than 70 laptop models that start hitting the market at the end of this month.



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