


彭博社 2018-07-12

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明晟新興市場指數(MSCI Emerging Markets Index)已經跌到了歷史平均值11.4以下,如今約為11.2,是2016年初以來的最低點。今年早些時候,它曾升至13.3,隨后美元上漲沖擊了新興市場的股市。


瑞士信貸(Credit Suisse)亞太區的首席投資官約翰·伍茲表示,到今年9月,股價可能還會更低。他在接受Bloomberg Radio采訪時稱:“我確實認為估值看起來很有誘惑力。在夏天的這幾個月里,流動性依然不足,股市還可能出現短期的繼續下行。”(財富中文網)


This year’s unrelenting slide in emerging-market stocks makes them relatively cheap, at least judging by a price-to-estimated-earnings ratio that’s now hovering at the lowest in more than two years.

The ratio for the MSCI Emerging Markets Index has fallen below its historical average of 11.4 and has now reached about 11.2, the lowest levels since early 2016. It rose to 13.3 earlier this year before a rising dollar sideswiped emerging equities.

Developing-nation stocks slid almost 9 percent this year after a stellar 35 percent rally in 2017. Rising U.S. rates, trade tension and worsening growth outlooks have all dampened investors’ appetite for riskier assets. The more challenging backdrop also led analysts to start reducing forecasts for corporate profits, which had been expected to underscore a rally this year after rising in recent years. Estimated per-share earnings for the MSCI benchmark have been falling since April.

Credit Suisse’s Asia-Pacific chief investment officer, John Woods, says stocks may get even cheaper through September. “I do think valuations are looking compelling” in emerging markets, he said in an interview on Bloomberg Radio. “There’s some short-term downside likely over the illiquid summer months.”


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