


Kirsten Korosec 2018-05-08

特斯拉公布的今年第一季度虧損達到創紀錄的7.10億美元,而且公司仍在燒錢,原因是它正在提高大眾型電動汽車Model 3的產量。


盡管已經連續虧損五個季度,但特斯拉認為第一季度業績是個利好因素。對今年年內的情況,該公司也表示樂觀。在致股東的信函中,特斯拉表示自己在提升Model 3產量方面取得了“顯著進展”,這款大眾車型原定于第一季度后半段上市。

特斯拉的目標是到第二季度末使Model 3的周產量達到5000輛。該公司首席執行官埃隆·馬斯克此前曾做出這樣的承諾,但未能兌現。今年4月,特斯拉披露的周產量為2270輛。也就是說,公司必須在6月底前讓產量增加一倍以上。




Tesla reported a record loss of $710 million in the first quarter and continues to burn through cash as it pushes to ramp up production of its mass market Model 3 vehicle.

The loss of $3.35 per share was less than the $3.58 to $3.54 that analysts had expected. But Tesla’s shares nevertheless declined nearly 6% in after-hours trading to $283.10.

Despite the fifth straight quarter of record losses, Tesla spun the results as a positive along with voicing optimism about the rest of 2018. Tesla made “significant progress” on increasing production of the Model 3, a mass market vehicle designed to propel in the second half of the first quarter, Tesla said in a letter to shareholders.

Tesla’s goal is to produce 5,000 of the cars weekly by the end of the second quarter, a goal that Tesla CEO Elon Musk has promised before and missed. The company said in April it had produced 2,270 weekly, meaning Tesla must nearly double its production by the end of June.

If able to achieve its goal, Tesla says it will turn a profit, excluding stock based compensation in the third quarter and fourth quarter.

Tesla also reported first quarter revenue of $3.41 billion, up more than 6% from $3.2 billion in the previous quarter and 19% higher than the same quarter last year.

The company said it has cut back its capital expenditures forecast “by focusing on the critical near-term needs that benefit us primarily in the next couple of years,” the company said in its shareholder letter. The company expects to spend just under $3 billion in 2018 on less than the $3.4 billion it spent in 2017.


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