


彭博社 2018-04-26

2015年5月12日的澳門天際線。朱李月華的金利豐集團在澳門經營賭場。攝影師:Anthony Wallace。圖片來源:AFP/Getty Images


就在今年1月,她的身家還接近120億美元,卻在股票跳水之后蒸發了一半多。當月,香港證券監管方在警告投資者,稱金利豐金融(Kingston Financial Group)的股票過度集中在少數股東手中。自此以后,這家旗下擁有澳門賭場和保證金貸款等業務的公司股價已經暴跌了50%。

3月19日,全球最受關注的指數供應商之一富時羅素(FTSE Russell)將金利豐從基準股價指數中剔除,此舉導致該公司股價猛跌8.7%。激進投資者大衛·韋伯在1月發表的分析顯示,金利豐的資金很大程度上依賴朱李月華及其家族的無擔保貸款。在2017年最后一個季度猛漲88%之后,該股淪為了明晟(MSCI)亞洲榜單上表現最糟糕的股票。

金利豐的不幸可能也讓一些投機者賺了便宜——根據IHS Markit的數據,3月16日的賣空比例占到了公眾持股量的6.3%。


在1月29日的聲明中,香港證券及期貨事務監察委員會(The Securities and Futures Commission)指出,截至1月8日,金利豐超過91%的股份都控制在20名股東手中。聲明發布的第二天,該股就暴跌17%。



彭博社的億萬富翁指數(Billionaires Index)顯示,目前的香港女首富是何鴻燊的女兒何超瓊,而寡頭控股的房地產開發商南豐集團(Nan Fung Group)的董事長陳慧慧緊隨其后。(財富中文網)


Pollyanna Chu has lost her title as Hong Kong’s richest woman after her listed company turned into Asia’s worst performer this year.

Worth almost $12 billion as recently as January, she’s seen more than half of her wealth wiped out as the stock crashed. Kingston Financial Group, which operates businesses including Macau casinos and margin lending, has tumbled 50% since Hong Kong’s securities regulator in January warned investors that the company’s shares were overly concentrated among a small number of stockholders.

Kingston Financial plunged 8.7% on Monday after FTSE Russell, one of the world’s most-followed index providers, removed the stock from its benchmarks. For its financing, the firm relies largely on unsecured loans provided cheaply by Chu and her family, according to January analysis from activist investor David Webb. The stock is the worst performer on MSCI’s Asian gauge this year, after surging 88% in the last quarter of 2017.

Some speculators may have made a killing from Kingston’s misfortunes — short interest was about 6.3% of free float as of Friday, according to IHS Markit data.

The company declined to immediately comment on the slump in shares.

The Securities and Futures Commission said in a Jan. 29 statement that 20 holders controlled more than 91% of the shares as of Jan 8. The stock plunged 17% the following day.

Part of Chu’s wealth stems from her father’s background managing casino VIP rooms in the Asian gambling center of Macau. The sector still features prominently in the family controlled business; gaming and hotel revenues from the former Portuguese colony amounted to more than HK$670 million for the 2017 fiscal year, some 23% of total sales, according to Kingston’s annual report.

Chu is joining a record $5.2 billion deal to buy most of a Hong Kong skyscraper from Li Ka-Shing’s company, people familiar with the matter said last month. Chu will take a 17% stake, they said.

Pansy Ho, the daughter of Stanley Ho, is now No. 1 in Hong Kong’s ultra-rich women list, followed by Vivien Chen, chairwoman of closely held real estate developer Nan Fung Group, according to Bloomberg’s Billionaires Index.


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