
8. 宜瑞安 美國500強排名:462 5年總回報率:175% 預計今年每股盈利增長率:19.1% 股息率:2% 2015年預期市盈率:14.8倍 華爾街對宜瑞安的態度最多只能用“溫和”二字形容。在彭博社追蹤的分析師中,只有三分之一推薦“買入”該股,22%的分析師建議“賣出”,其中就包括高盛公司。宜瑞安是一家甜味劑、淀粉等食品添加劑和防腐劑生產商。出于健康考慮,消費者對高果糖玉米糖漿和人工添加劑日益反感,宜瑞安也因此受到了不小的影響。各大餐館和食品制造商也紛紛停用這些人工調味劑,改用更健康的非轉基因食材。 宜瑞安之所以有看漲空間,是由于公司管理層似乎已經下定了決心,打算通過收購等手段繼續推動公司增長,同時通過股票回購提高每股收益率。雖然宜瑞安的股息率與標普500的均值基本持平,但它的股利支出從2012年至今已經翻了一番,在過去5年里更是翻了三番,股東們當然希望這一傳統能繼續保持下去。 |
8. Ingredion FORTUNE 500 RANK: 462 5-YEAR TOTAL RETURN: 175% ESTIMATED EPS GROWTH THIS YEAR: 19.1% DIVIDEND YIELD: 2% ESTIMATED 2015 P/E: 14.8 Wall Street’s feelings about Ingredion INGR -1.20% are tepid at best: Only a third of analysts tracked by Bloomberg recommend buying the stock, while 22% would sell it, including Goldman Sachs. A producer of food additives and preservatives such as sweeteners and starches, Ingredion has been hurt as consumers have developed a distaste for high fructose corn syrup and artificial substances that they see as potentially harmful. Restaurants and food producers have been getting rid of artificial and processed flavorings to replace them with healthier or non-genetically modified (non-GMO) ingredients. The bull case for Ingredion is that management seems determined to grow the company, likely through acquisitions, and also increase earnings per share through stock buybacks. And while Ingredion’s dividend yield is on par with the S&P 500 average, it has doubled its payout since 2012, and tripled it in the last five years, a tradition that shareholders obviously hope will continue. |