
5. Verizon 美國500強排名:15 5年總回報率:123% 預計今年每股盈利增長率:58.6% 股息率:4.6% 2015年預期市盈率:12.3倍 Verizon今年以44美元的價格完成了對美國在線的收購,目前它在華爾街是一家頗有爭議的公司,在彭博社追蹤的分析師中,有不到一半推薦投資者購買該股。Verizon收購美國在線,將使它可以利用后者的廣告技術,通過移動視頻賺“大筆”的錢。不過摩根大通的分析師在6月的一份研究要點報告中指出,Verizon的移動廣告收入要等到三五年后才能達到“顯著的水平”,解釋了該公司為何對Verizon的股票持中立態度。另外,Verizon依然是美國用戶最多的手機運營商,而且它4.6的股息率也達到了標普500指數平均值的一倍以上。 |
5. Verizon Communications FORTUNE 500 RANK: 15 5-YEAR TOTAL RETURN: 123% ESTIMATED EPS GROWTH THIS YEAR: 58.6% DIVIDEND YIELD: 4.6% ESTIMATED 2015 P/E: 12.3 Fresh off completing its $4.4 billion acquisition of AOL, Verizon VZ -0.34% is a controversial company on Wall Street, with less than half of analysts tracked by Bloomberg recommending that investors buy the stock. Verizon’s acquisition of AOL will allow the cellphone carrier to make “substantial” money off of mobile video using AOL’s advertising technology, but it could take three to five years “to reach a significant scale to move the needle,” JPMorgan stock analysts wrote in a June research note, explaining why they are neutral on the stock. In the meantime, though, Verizon is the biggest cellphone carrier in terms of subscribers, and its dividend yield, 4.6%, is more than double the S&P 500 average. |