????巴菲特稱,伯克希爾市值漲幅的特點是,其“基本等于”這50年來該公司內在價值的漲幅。可惜,盡管投資者十分好奇,但上述表態并未真正打破巴菲特拒絕泄漏其對內在價值估算的傳統。但由于伯克希爾的市價已巨幅增長,巴菲特的說法確實證明,該公司的內在價值同樣已經大大提高。股市對此表示贊同:目前,伯克希爾的市值約3670億美元,是美國市值第三高的企業,僅次于蘋果(市值高達7700億美元)和埃克森美孚(市值略低于3800億美元)。 ????現在,我們將注意力從高得驚人的50年總漲幅,轉向巴菲特所說的“表現不錯”的2014年。伯克希爾的收入在2014年上漲了6.9%,不過,同期每股收益僅上漲了2%,至1.2092萬美元(最近,該公司A類股的股價在每股22.3萬美元左右徘徊)。不過,當巴菲特稱2014年并不完美時,他所指的肯定不是每股收益漲幅較低這一問題。巴菲特一直認為,每股收益與伯克希爾的業績毫無相關性,因為每股收益不包含未實現的資本損益,而賬面價值則包括資本損益。 ????巴菲特2014年最不滿意的,是伯克希爾旗下最大的非保險公司——伯靈頓北方圣達菲鐵路。沒錯,該公司的收益略有增長。但鐵路運營困難重重,導致谷物、煤炭和化肥出貨延誤,巴菲特稱“令許多顧客失望不已”。巴菲特在回顧伯靈頓北方圣達菲鐵路的問題時,流露出責備之意,這在其年度報告中很少見。他還用斜體字寫道,伯靈頓北方圣達菲鐵路必須“不惜一切代價”恢復一流服務。“一切代價”將包括目前正在進行的創紀錄的資本支出。 ????盡管存在一定問題,但被巴菲特稱為伯克希爾公司非保險業務“五大引擎”的伯靈頓北方圣達菲鐵路、伯克希爾-哈撒韋能源、模具制造商伊斯卡公司、化工企業路博潤以及制造業巨頭Marmon,稅前利潤增長了近15%。年報中給出了伯靈頓北方圣達菲鐵路以及伯克希爾-哈撒韋能源的完整收益情況,兩者的稅前收益攀升了11%,但其他幾家公司的利潤,出于競爭方面的原因,都未披露。 ????在伯克希爾的保險業務方面,“備用款”,即打算屆時用于支付理賠款和開支但其間可用于其他用途的保險費,規模不斷攀升,從2013年年底的770億美元,增至840億美元。一年前,巴菲特曾預測,備用款金額不可能持續攀升,如今看來,這一預測是錯誤的。巴菲特當時提出的理由是,伯克希爾賬上某些再保險合同“流”,將使得“備用款”規模減小。在某種程度上,上述看法是對的,但伯克希爾其它的保險業務彌補了差額。巴菲特很高興自己判斷錯了。 ????備用款增加、伯克希爾旗下公司業務全面繁榮,加之沒有出現巴菲特所說的“重量級”收購,截止2014年年底,伯克希爾坐擁630億美元現金(就在一年前,該數字為480億美元)。巴菲特將未能收購大型企業視為失敗。不過,伯克希爾持有巨額現金,總歸沒有太大的壞處。 ????在50周年報告中,巴菲特本人也談到了現金的重要性,他寫道:“在一家健康的企業里,現金有時被認為應當最小化,被視為可能拖累股本回報等數據的非生產性資產。然而,現金之于企業,就好比氧氣之于個人:平時被人忘在腦后,一旦少了它,滿腦子想的都是它。” ????2014年,巴菲特動用了伯克希爾的一些“氧氣”,以增加對IBM的投資,IBM是伯克希爾重倉持有的企業之一。巴菲特拿出15億美元,投資IBM股票,將伯克希爾對IBM的總投資額推高至132億美元。其買入價幾乎與伯克希爾的現有每股成本(170美元)持平。盡管如此,正如媒體所指出的那樣,巴菲特對IBM的這筆投資目前處于虧損狀態。日前,IBM股票報收于162美元。 ????2014年,伯克希爾最大一筆新投資是迪爾公司,伯克希爾的年報顯示,對迪爾公司的投資將近13億美元。截至去年年底,迪爾公司的股票給伯克希爾帶來了薄利。 ????有一個人肯定對上述投資感到高興,那就是沃倫?巴菲特之子——伯克希爾董事霍華德?巴菲特。霍華德從事農耕,是迪爾公司農用設備的忠實粉絲。霍華德(親友們稱他為“豪伊”)也是巴菲特心中伯克希爾下任董事長的候選人之一。當然,霍華德不能直接頂替其父親的職位;待到巴菲特隱退,將由董事會決定其接替者。但是,無論如何,屆時董事長一職將完全成為非行政職務。也就是說,沒人能像如今的巴菲特這樣,同時擔任董事長和首席執行官。 ????誰將接替巴菲特擔任首席執行官一職,如今尚無定論(主要原因在于,巴菲特還完全沒有退隱之意)。即便如此,伯克希爾公司的50年報告中,還是詳細描述了巴菲特認為其接替者應該是怎樣的人。巴菲特稱,首席執行官的主要工作,在于配置資本、挑選并留住手下的經理人。巴菲特表示,上述職責要求首席執行官“理性、冷靜、果斷,對業務有著全面了解,并對人類行為有著深刻見解”。 ????顯然,上述描述簡直就是巴菲特的“自畫像”。作為巴菲特多年的老友,我能證明他本人完全符合上述描述。 ????不過,我要補充說明一點:假如打橋牌時他的搭檔(比如在下)犯了低級錯誤,他可一點都不冷靜。(財富中文網) ????本文作者Carol Loomis曾是《財富》雜志資深自由編輯,去年從《財富》退休。 ????譯者:Hunter ????審稿:李翔 |
????A characteristic of that rise, Buffett says, is that it is “roughly equal” to the 50-year rise of Berkshire’s intrinsic value. Unfortunately for the curiosity of investors, that declaration doesn’t exactly undo Buffett’s longstanding refusal to divulge his estimates of intrinsic value. But since Berkshire’s market price has unquestionably grown enormously, his statement does certify that intrinsic value has done likewise. The stock market agrees: It currently accords Berkshire a market cap of about $367 billion, third-highest in the U.S., after Apple (at a commanding $770 billion) and Exxon (at just under $380 billion). ????And now switch your mind from the gigantic figures of the 50-year panorama to what Buffett called the “good year” of 2014. Berkshire’s revenues for the year were up 6.9%; its earnings per share, though, rose by only 2%, to $12,092 (against Class A shares that have recently been hovering above $223,000). Even so, that small rise in earnings certainly wasn’t what Buffett had in mind when he said 2014 had its problems. He has always rejected earnings-per-share as having any relevance to Berkshire’s results, since they do not include unrealized capital gains and losses, which book value does include. ????The core of Buffett’s dissatisfactions in 2014 was Berkshire’s biggest non-insurance company, railroad BNSF. It managed, yes, to increase earnings by a bit. But BNSF ran into countless operating difficulties that delayed grain, coal, and fertilizer shipments and, says Buffett, “disappointed many of its customers.” Buffett’s review of BNSF’s problems had a scolding tone, unusual for his annual report. He also resorted to italics to declare that BNSF must do “whatever it takes” to restore top-grade service. “Whatever it takes” will include record capital expenditures, now underway. (For more on BNSF, click here.) ????Despite BNSF’s troubles, what Buffett calls Berkshire’s non-insurance “Powerhouse Five”—the railroad, Berkshire Hathaway Energy (BHE), toolmaker Iscar, chemical company Lubrizol, and manufacturing conglomerate Marmon—raised their pretax profits by nearly 15%. A complete earnings picture for BNSF and BHE is given in the annual report—their combined pretax earnings climbed by 11%—but the profits of the other companies are not, for competitive reasons, disclosed. ????On the insurance side of Berkshire, “float”—insurance premiums intended to in time cover claims and expenses, but that in the interim are usable for other purposes—kept climbing, from $77 billion at the end of 2013 to $84 billion. That leaves Buffett wrong in his prediction a year ago that continuing gains in float were unlikely; he reasoned then that float would be diminished by certain “run-off” reinsurance contracts that Berkshire had on its books. He was right to an extent, but other parts of Berkshire’s insurance businesses picked up the slack. Buffett is happy to have been wrong. ????The gains in float, Berkshire’s general prosperity, and the non-appearance of what Buffett sometimes calls an “elephant” acquisition left the company holding $63 billion in cash at the end of the year (up from $48 billion a year earlier). Buffett would class his failure to bag an elephant as just that, a failure. Still, it is hard to think of Berkshire’s huge holdings of cash as disastrous. ????Buffett himself speaks of the importance of cash in the 50-year report, writing, “At a healthy business, cash is sometimes thought of as something to be minimized—as an unproductive asset that acts as a drag of such markers as return on equity. Cash, though, is to a business as oxygen is to an individual: never thought about when it is present, the only thing in mind when it is absent.” ????In 2014, Buffett used some of Berkshire’s “oxygen” to increase its investment in one of its big holdings, IBM. He put an additional $1.5 billion into the stock, raising Berkshire’s total IBM investment to $13.2 billion. He also bought at prices that left Berkshire’s existing cost-per-share, $170, virtually unchanged. Still, his investment in IBM has so far left him in the hole—as the media has wasted no time pointing out. Yesterday, IBM closed at $162. ????Berkshire’s biggest new investment in 2014 was Deere & Co., in which Berkshire’s annual report shows the company to have put nearly $1.3 billion. By year-end, Berkshire had accumulated a small profit in the stock. ????One person sure to be pleased by the Deere investment is Warren Buffett’s son, Berkshire director Howard Buffett, who is a working farmer and a big admirer of Deere’s farm equipment. Howard (known to family and friends as “Howie”) is also his father’s candidate to become the next chairman of Berkshire when Warren can no longer fill the job. That doesn’t make Howard’s ascension automatic; the board of directors will decide who gets the job. But the chairmanship will then, in any event, strictly be a non-executive position. That is, one person will not be chairman and CEO, as Warren Buffett is today. ????The question of who will follow Buffett as CEO remains uncertain (if, for no other reason, because this is not a man even remotely thinking about leaving). Even so, Berkshire’s new 50-year report has a fascinating description of what kind of person Buffett thinks should succeed him. Describing the CEO’s job as primarily one of capital allocation and the selection and retention of managers beneath him, Buffett says these duties also require the CEO “to be a rational, calm and decisive individual who has a broad understanding of business and good insights into human behavior.” ????Obviously, this is Buffett doing a verbal “selfie.” As a long-time friend of his, I can testify that he fits that description. ????I will qualify that just a bit: If his bridge partner—I’ve been there—makes a really ridiculous mistake, he has been known to abandon his calm. ????Until she retired from Fortune last year, Carol Loomis was a senior editor-at-large on the magazine’s staff. |