????周六早上,伯克希爾哈撒韋公司公布了首席執行官、傳奇投資人沃倫?巴菲特的2015年度致股東信。巴菲特的粉絲們仔細拜讀了這封信,希望能從中分享一些投資智慧。不過多年以來,和他的市場知識一樣為人稱道的,還有他的連珠妙語。比如2001年,針對投資需要技術和運氣的問題,他在當年的致股東的信中寫道:“只有在退潮時,你才會發現誰在裸泳。”在去年的信中,他寫道:“牛市就像性愛,感覺最好的時候就是快完的時候。” ????今年巴菲特的信也沒有令人失望,以下是便是信中的幾處金句: |
????On Saturday morning, Berkshire Hathaway released CEO and legendary investor Warren Buffett’s annual letter to shareholders. Buffett followers read the letters closely for the investing wisdom he dispenses in his annual missives. But over the years, along with his market knowledge, Buffett has also come to be known for his folksy one-liners. For example, in 2001, on being lucky versus being good at investing, he wrote in his annual letter, “After all, you only find out who is swimming naked when the tide goes out.” In last year’s letter he wrote, “A bull market is like sex. It feels best just before it ends.” ????This year’s letter doesn’t disappoint. Here are the best Buffett one-liners in this year’s essay. |
????關于商業經驗可以讓你成為一個更好的投資人,反之亦然 ????“有些事無論用言語或圖片,都沒法充分地向一個處女解釋清楚”。(巴菲特引述彼得?阿爾諾的一部動畫片。) |
????On how experience in business can make you a better investor, and vice versa ????"'There are certain things that cannot be adequately explained to a virgin either by words or pictures.'" (Buffett quoting a Peter Arno cartoon.) |