????去年是自2008年金融危機以來市場首次經歷一個12個月IPO窗口。卡特勒表示,他預計今年將再有一個12個月IPO窗口。去年,紐交所的IPO數量為150宗左右,預計2014年將為150-200宗。相比之下,20世紀90年代每年的IPO數量為400-500宗。 ????“你可以說估值高,”他說。“但人們愿意為那些高成長的公司支付高估值。投資者們知道未來會賺錢。” ????不同于互聯網泡沫,今年很多IPO科技公司,包括King,都已經盈利。那些尚未盈利的公司,比如Box和Twitter,則具備高增長和巨大的市場機會。卡特勒表示,投資者們看好成長性,這是他們在市場其他領域看不到的。“投資者們追逐醫療保健、能源、科技、金融服務和消費領域的純增長故事。” ????在科技領域,他們對社交、移動、企業和云公司非常感興趣。“投資者們的總體科技支出沒有增長,”卡特勒表示。“但比例正在變小。” ????紐交所在科技領域有所斬獲, 部分是因為2012年納斯達克搞砸了Facebook的IPO。今年已經上市的科技公司有15家,其中有10家是在紐交所上市的。預計本周還將有3家公司在紐交所上市(分別是GrubHub,OPower和Rubicon Project)。去年,有30多家科技公司在紐交所IPO,占美國所有科技公司IPO的54%,占行業募集資本的56%。(財富中文網) |
????Last year was the first time since the financial crisis in 2008 that the markets experienced a 12-month IPO window. Cutler says he expects this year to have another 12-month window. The exchange did around 150 IPOs last year and expects 2014 to end with 150 to 200. Compare that to 400 to 500 IPOs per year in the '90s. ????"You can say valuations are high," he says. "But people are willing to pay more for companies that are growing. Investors know there is profitability coming in the future." ????Unlike the dotcom era, many of today's companies -- King included -- have profits. Those that don't -- like Box and Twitter -- have growth and a big market opportunity. Investors are hungry for growth, and they're not finding it in other places of the market, Cutler says. "Investors are chasing pure-play growth in health care, energy, technology, financial services, and consumer." ????Within tech, they're interested in social, mobile enterprise, and cloud companies. "Investors' overall tech spend is not rising," Cutler says, "but slices of the pie are going from thick to thin." ????The NYSE has made gains in the tech sector, owing some of its popularity there to NASDAQ's poor handling of Facebook's IPO in 2012. This year, 15 tech companies have gone public, 10 of them on NYSE. Three more are expected to list on NYSE this week (GrubHub, OPower, and Rubicon Project). Last year, NYSE handled 30 new technology listings, representing 54% of all tech IPOs in the U.S. and 56% of capital raised in the sector. |