


Stephanie N. Mehta 2013-11-14

????香港金融服務發展局(Financial Services Development Council)主席史美倫女士在亞洲頂級商界女性聚會上表示,香港要想保持在全球的重要地位,必須開發出其他金融服務能力和專業領域。

????史美倫在《財富》最具影響力商界女性亞洲峰會(Fortune Most Powerful Women Asia)上說:“我們承擔不起停滯不前的代價。因為別人正在迎頭趕上。”此次峰會聚集了亞洲地區大多數最具影響力的商界、政界、教育界和藝術界的女性精英。

????史美倫女士與《財富》雜志執行編輯蘇安迪進行了交流,他們從中國政府的改革談到了日本的安倍經濟學。她還拿《財富》雜志1995年的一篇文章《香港之死》(The Death of Hong Kong)開玩笑。那篇文章預測香港最終將失去金融和商業中心的地位。




????Hong Kong needs to develop additional financial-services capabilities and areas of expertise if it wants to remain a top global player, Laura Cha, chairman of Hong Kong's Financial Services Development Council, told a group of leading businesswomen here.

????"We cannot afford to stand still," Cha said at Fortune Most Powerful Women Asia, an inaugural gathering of mostly Asia-based powerful women in business, politics, education and the arts. "Because other people are already moving ahead."

????As part of a wide-ranging conversation on everything from Chinese government reforms to Japan's Abenomics Cha and interviewer Andy Serwer, managing editor of Fortune, joked about a 1995 Fortune article entitled "The Death of Hong Kong," which predicted the demise of its role as a financial and commercial hub.

????Cha's non-governmental advisory group is pulling together recommendations for government leaders and regulators to consider as part of efforts to keep the Hong Kong's financial sector vibrant. She said Hong Kong "may have neglected" the development of certain areas such as banking back office, settlement and procurement. Cha said the advisory committee is encouraging the government to put resources into development of new growth areas.

????More broadly Cha, who also serves as an independent director of HHSBC (HBC) and Unliever (UL) declared herself "bullish on Asia," noting the rising middle class and the continued opportunities not only in China but also Indonesia and India, countries with "huge population growth, and good indications that their economies will go quite far."?????


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