


Nin-Hai Tseng 2013-10-17


????據《華盛頓郵報》(Washington Post)報道,美國參議院共和黨核心議員將于周二上午11點召開會議,審議已成形的協議。如果最終達成協議,美國財政部的舉債能力將延期至明年2月7日,美國政府也將重新開門。此外,它還能在1月中旬前為聯邦機構提供資金。幾個月之后,如果國會因債務上限再度陷入僵局,那也不足為奇。只不過下一次美國的運氣可能沒這么好了,至于為什么會這么說,看看最新的這次債務上限談判就很清楚了。

????與2011年標普(Standard & Poor's)調降美國AAA級信用評級時的政治僵局不同,這一次部分議員(尤其是共和黨議員)一直對此漠不關心。



????加州大學經濟學家巴里?艾肯格林在博客網站Project Syndicate上發表了一篇文章,討論了全球儲備貨幣美元違約會產生的影響,即:美元大幅貶值以及金融機構嚴重虧損。



????后果聽起來十分嚴重,但華盛頓的某些政客對此并不買賬,這也不難理解。次債危機發生后,市場普遍預計美元會大跌,但實際上根本沒跌。艾肯格林表示,隨著投資者瘋狂買入美國國債避險,結果美元倒還出現了上漲。一年后,雷曼兄弟(Lehman Brothers)破產了,不過美元依舊毫發未損。

????但他指出,如果美國違約,對美元的影響會截然不同。違約發生后,經濟中流通的現金將出現嚴重短缺,因為美聯儲(U.S. Federal Reserve)用于在金融機構之間轉移資金的電子網絡無法結算違約證券交易。回購市場以及由美國國債作為抵押擔保的貸款將會凍結。

????In a long-awaited breakthrough, Congress is inching closer to a deal that would increase the nation's borrowing limit and end a two-week-old government shutdown. The U.S. may just barely miss a default days before the U.S. Treasury exhausts its ability to borrow, but the sigh of relief could be short lived.

????As the Washington Post reports, the Senate's Republican caucus is scheduled to meet at 11 a.m. Tuesday to consider an emerging deal, which if finalized, could extend the Treasury's borrowing power until Feb. 7, reopen the government, and fund federal agencies through mid-January. Months from today, it wouldn't be surprising if Congress stalls over the debt ceiling again. Only next time the U.S. may not be so lucky, and the latest debt ceiling debacle offers a good glimpse as to why.

????Unlike during the political gridlock in 2011 when the U.S. lost its stellar credit rating from Standard & Poor's, some lawmakers (Republicans, in particular) have been downright blasé about it all this time around.

????They've been playing down the significance of hitting the debt limit -- Sen. Rand Paul of Kentucky says the U.S. can avoid default by putting aside funds to pay bondholders. That may sound fine at first, but it effectively suggests other expenses, such as payments to Social Security recipients, could take a back seat. That would be scary because not paying your bills obviously isn't a good way to get yourself in good financial condition.

????And for the U.S. government to skip its financial obligations would be catastrophic for the U.S. dollar.

????In an article in Project Syndicate, University of California economist Barry Eichengreen lays out the implications of a default on the world's reserve currency. The result would be a sharp drop in the dollar combined with huge losses for financial institutions.

????"Even if the Treasury paid bondholders first -- choosing to stiff, say, contractors or Social Security recipients -- the idea that the U.S. government always pays its bills would no longer be taken for granted," says Eichengreen, who writes frequently about the demise of the dollar. "Holders of U.S. Treasury bonds would begin to think twice."

????Already, the world's central banks are losing faith in the world's richest country; officials are preparing for a U.S. default some say could happen at any time. The dollar's decline would be felt across the world, causing the value of smaller currencies to spike. It would also hurt emerging market economies, causing currencies from South Korea to Mexico to shoot up and therefore make whatever they sell abroad more expensive and much less competitive.

????This sounds pretty awful, but it's easy to see why some folks in Washington aren't convinced. When the subprime-mortgage crisis hit, it was widely forecast that the greenback would tank, but that never happened. Eichengreen notes the dollar actually strengthened as investors scrambled for safety in U.S. Treasury bonds. That also happened a year later when Lehman Brothers went under.

????But a default would be different, he argues. There would be a serious shortage of cash circulating the economy, as the electronic network operated by the U.S. Federal Reserve to transfer funds between financial institutions isn't set up to settle transactions in defaulted securities. The repo market, loans offered against Treasury bonds, would freeze up.


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