????國會議員們再次把重心放在了一系列短期解決方案上,而這些方案可能帶來許多遺留問題。對此,我要鄭重建議他們去看看英國六人喜劇團體蒙提?派森(Monty Python)早年間的喜劇片段,講是一位騎士(由約翰?克里斯扮演)令人費解地把自己置于危險境地。 ????隨后,亞瑟王發現了這位一瘸一拐的騎士,但后者拒絕承認自己的困境。他自信地說,“我只是擦破了點兒皮”,而且每挨一下打,他都會說那只是“皮外傷”。他還荒謬地宣稱自己“不可戰勝”,之后,這位騎士遭到了遺棄,既動彈不得,又無足輕重。 ????美國民眾對國會的支持率已降至歷史最低水平。國會既沒有果斷提高債務上限,也沒有適時地通過一項無附加條件的延續性解決方案來讓政府重新開始運轉,這將再次給經濟帶來一些“自找的”創傷。一旦這些創傷的影響疊加在一起,它們就再也無法輕易抹去。(財富中文網) ????本文作者穆罕默德?埃爾-埃利安是太平洋投資管理公司(PIMCO)首席執行官兼聯合首席投資官。 ????譯者:Charlie?? |
????As they pivot to yet another set of short-term solutions that risk leaving too many open issues, Congress would be well advised to watch an old Monty Python clip in which a knight (played by John Cleese) unexplainably puts himself in harm's way. ????Sequentially robbed of his limps by King Arthur, the knight refuses to come to terms with his predicament. He confidently declares "tis is but a scratch," treating each blow as just a "flesh wound." And having absurdly announced that he is "invincible," the knight is left behind immobile and irrelevant. ????Congress has already seen its standing among Americans fall to record lows. By failing to decisively lift the debt ceiling and properly pass a clean Continuing Resolution to reopen government, it would inflict on the economy yet another set of self-inflicted wounds whose cumulative and collective impact cannot be easily and readily discounted. ????Mohamed A. El-Erian is the CEO and co-chief investment officer of PIMCO. |