


《財富》雜志 2013-06-18


????巧克力巨頭好時公司(Hershey,財富500強企業)擁有蘇姍?肯普勒所追求的領先市場地位、充裕現金流和可靠的管理層。她管理的TIAA-CREF增長和收益基金(TIAA-CREF Growth and Income Fund)在過去十年內的年化回報率為9.9%,而好時公司則是這支基金的一支重倉股。由于好時在整個糖果業務方面幾乎沒有任何一般意義上的競爭對手,因此,它有能力維持很高的利潤率和定價能力。毋庸置疑,由此一來,好時公司每年產生約10億美元的凈現金流,用以增加派息、回購股權及業務擴張。肯普勒說,對于好時公司而言,在全球1,900億美元的糖果市場獲取成長的空間還很大,尤其是在中國及墨西哥地區。好時公司目前的年銷售額為70億美元。肯普勒又稱,好時公司在打入新市場方面很講究策略,在致力于將糖果打造成日常小點心的同時,最初只推出少量的產品,跟它在美國國內的做法如出一轍。肯普勒預計,好時公司未來三至五年的收益增速將保持在11%-16%這個大致范圍內。(財富中文網)


??? 譯者:默默

5. Hershey

????Chocolate powerhouse Hershey (HSY,Fortune 500) has the sort of leading position, strong cash flow, and dependable management that Susan Kempler seeks. Her TIAA-CREF Growth and Income Fund(TIIRX) has returned an annualized 9.9% over the past 10 years, and Hershey is a big holding. With virtually no generic competition in the candy business, Hershey is able to maintain high margins and pricing power. Little surprise, then, that Hershey generates about $1 billion in free cash flow a year, which it uses to increase its dividend, buy back stock, and fund expansion. There's plenty of room -- particularly in China and Mexico -- for the company, with $7 billion in sales, to grow within the $190 billion global confectionary market, says Kempler. She adds that Hershey has been smart about entering new markets, introducing only a few products while working to make candy an everyday snack, just as it is in the U.S. Kempler expects Hershey to maintain low- to mid-teen earnings growth for the next three to five years.



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