


Cyrus Sanati 2013-06-14



????雖然斯洛文尼亞與其他鄰國幾乎在同時擺脫了共產主義,但該國經濟急速發展,從而使得它有力地跳過了自社會主義國家向資本主義國家邁進時所必須經歷的許多痛苦步驟。比如說,國家仍然對許多生產資料實行控制,控制力度幾乎涉及國內經濟的一半。國有企業任人唯親、管理不善,致使經濟運行低效。而且腐敗猖獗。又如,安永公司(Ernst and Young)近期開展的一項研究發現,94%的斯洛文尼亞人認為行賄屬于正常商業慣例。逃稅漏稅似乎也是這個國家面臨的重大問題。事實上,斯洛文尼亞總理雅奈茲?揚沙(上周鋃鐺入獄)早在年初就被迫下臺,原因是他被人發現在報稅問題上弄虛作假。





????Slovenia has a lot of issues it needs to resolve before economists can give it a clean bill of health. Unfortunately, some of them are so monumental that it seems impossible for the country to resolve on its own. Among the biggest hurdles Slovenia needs to jump over is a problem that its other Eastern European neighbors dealt with in the 1990s -- transition to a free-market economy.

????While Slovenia broke free of communism at pretty much the same time as the rest of its neighbors, its economy boomed to such a degree that it was able to skip many of the painful steps a country must go through when moving from a socialist to a capitalist state. For example, the state still controls much of the means of production, around 50% of the economy. Cronyism and bad management at the state-run firms have led to an inefficient economy. Corruption is rampant. For example, a recent study conducted by Ernst and Young found that 94% of Slovenes think bribes are a normal business practice. Tax dodging seems to be a big problem in the country, as well. In fact, the country's Prime Minister, Janez Jansa, was forced to step down earlier this year after it was found that he cheated on his taxes (he was sentenced to jail this week).

????Slovenia's economic crisis has been categorized as a "banking" crisis, a la the likes of Spain and Ireland. But while the roots of the crisis in Spain and Ireland centered on bad property loans to the private sector, the roots of Slovenia's banking crisis centers on corruption and organized theft. It turns out the banks were lending money to people -- no doubt close "friends" of the government -- to buy stakes in state-controlled firms. It also did the reverse, finance management buyouts for people, again close friends of the government, who had stakes in state-controlled firms. The banks also loaned lots of money directly to Slovenian companies to either expand, or in some cases, to simply keep the lights on. Can't make payroll at the inefficient factory? Just borrow it from the bank.

????All this borrowing has its consequences. The EU reports that the Slovenian (non-financial) corporate sector has an average debt-to-equity ratio of around 200% -- far and away the highest level of corporate indebtedness in the EU. Around 50% of the bank's loans outstanding were made to Slovenian companies, 30% of which are non-performing, analysts say. Slovenia reported this week that in total, around 20%, or one out of every five, of the nation's bank loans are non-performing. That number is almost certainly a conservative estimate.

????The government is attempting to fill the hole in the banks' balance sheet by borrowing money from investors through the sale of government bonds. For this scheme to be successful, the government must be able to borrow enough money to: a) recapitalize its banks; b) cover its budget deficit; and c) to cover its old bonds -- much of which are rapidly coming due over the next few months.

????How are they doing with that? Well, in April the government went to the market to raise 100 million euros but only managed to sell around half that much. No one was interested. Then in May, Moody's downgraded Slovenia's credit rating to non-investment grade (i.e. junk). But miraculously, two days later, the country said it sold 3.5 billion euros of debt to eager investors. Who was the main buyer? Slovenian banks. So Slovenia's state-controlled banks essentially loaned money to the government which will be used to fill the hole in their own balance sheet. Really? Yes, really.


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