


Shawn Tully 2013-01-14




????假如法國專長生產利潤豐厚的高精尖產品,這樣的成本差距可能還不會那么有破壞性。誠然,法國在時裝、奢侈品和制藥領域仍然具有相當的實力。這些行業是法國經濟的亮點,但同時,這個國家也非常依賴汽車、紡織、鋼鐵、電信設備和其他中低利潤率產品,這些產品在國際市場上對價格相當敏感?!胺▏跈C床或高端電腦設備等高精尖產品方面一直都不具備強勁的實力,“巴黎Flash Economics的讓-克里斯托弗·卡菲說?!凹幢闶窃诟叨耸袌?,很多份額也被德國搶走了?!?/p>


????法國也沒有追隨鄰國降低勞動力成本的步伐,對潛在危機做出應對。21世紀頭一個十年中期,德國邁出了一大步:批準第四階段就業改革方案——哈茨四號(Hartz IV),降低企業社保負擔。最近,西班牙將領取全額養老金的退休年齡從65歲上調到了67歲,并允許在公司層面進行工資談判,獨立于全國性的強制上調薪酬體系。意大利也將在未來六年內把女性退休年齡從60歲逐步提高到66歲。



????Since 2005, France's unit labor costs -- the expense of producing a single car or steel beam, for example -- has jumped 17% compared with 10% for Germany, 5.8% for Spain, and 2% for Ireland. Today, French workers earn an average of 35.3 euros per hour, compared with 25.8 in Italy, 22 in the UK and Spain.

????The result is a steep fall in French manufacturing and the services that support it, everything from consulting to logistics. Corporate profits have plunged to 6.5% of GDP, about 60% of the euro zone average. That's because French exporters are losing market share, and the ones that survive must lower margins to charge competitive prices. As a result, they lack the funds to invest in new plants and technologies. France now has half as many exporting companies as Germany and, amazingly, Italy. German industry benefits from 19,000 robots, five times the number in France. As for R&D spending, it's dropped 50% in the past four years.

????Remarkably, the Hollande government is raising revenue by heightening the burden on business. In September, France announced new laws that limit deductions for interest payments and loss carry-forwards, effectively heaping higher taxes on business. Those measures will shrink already meager profits, and crimp future investment.

????The cost-gap wouldn't be so damaging if France specialized in sophisticated, high-margin products. Indeed, the nation remains strong in fashion, luxury goods, and pharmaceuticals. But though those offerings symbolize France's economic élan, the nation is heavily dependent on autos, textile, steel, telecom equipment and other mid-to-low margin products that are extremely price sensitive on world markets. "France has never been strong in high-end, sophisticated products like machine tools or high-end computer equipment," says Jean-Christophe Caffet of Flash Economics in Paris. "And even in the high-end, it's lost a lot of market share to Germany."

????Germany, for example, specializes in fancy cars, Audis, Mercedes and BMWs that folks are willing to keep buying if prices rise a bit. By contrast, France makes cheaper Renaults and Peugeots that risk losing sales to Ford or Fiat unless manufacturers hold down prices -- or settle for puny or non-existent profits.

????Nor is France reacting to the looming crisis by following its neighbors' campaign to lower labor costs. Germany made big strides in the mid-2000s with its Hartz IV reforms that lowered the social charges on businesses. Spain recently raised the retirement age for full pensions from 65 to 67 and allows wage negotiations at the company level, a departure from the centralized system of imposing mandatory nationwide increases in pay. Italy is gradually raising the retirement age for women from 60 to 66 over the next six years.

????But Francois Hollande, elected president in May, is taking far more tepid steps. The government is pledging to modestly lower social charges on businesses, but the reforms don't start until 2014, and last just two years.

????It's the prospect of a future without growth, a direct legacy of the competitiveness problem, that could unleash a fiscal crisis. It's remarkable that in the mid-1990s, France had a lower unemployment rate than Germany, smaller deficits, less debt to GDP, and approximately the same growth rate. All of those measures have now totally reversed.


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