


Stephen Gandel 2013-01-11

????如果問問投資者2013年擔心些什么,大多數人的回答必然會包括中國。吉姆?奧尼爾是個例外,而且可以毫不夸張地說,他已經將自己的職業前途押在了中國的經濟成功上。早在2001年,我們大多數人仍然震驚于網絡泡沫的破裂時,奧尼爾卻用巴西、俄羅斯、印度和中國這四個國家的英文首字母炮制出了“BRIC(金磚四國)”一詞,并宣稱這四個新興經濟體,特別是中國,未來十年將推動市場發展。后來雖然爆發了金融危機,但他的預言大致是正確的。現在,有些人開始擔心中國這個世界第二大經濟體可能崩潰。現年55歲、掌管超過8000億美元資產的高盛資產管理(Goldman Sachs Asset Management)董事長奧尼爾依然樂觀。他預測中國經濟從制造向消費的轉型有望實現軟著陸。他相信,2013年中國股市將和日本、歐洲那些此前表現低迷的股市一起領先于全球股市。下面是經過編輯的采訪節選:

????最近,摩根士丹利(Morgan Stanley)策略師魯吉?夏爾馬等人紛紛唱衰金磚四國,認為投資者們不應指望這些國家。







????Ask most investors for their list of concerns for 2013, and China is on it. Jim O'Neill is an exception -- and it's not much of an exaggeration to say he has staked his career on that country's success. Back in 2001, when most of us were still dazed by the dotcom bust, O'Neill created the acronym BRIC, which stands for Brazil, Russia, India, and China. He proclaimed that those emerging economies, China's in particular, would drive markets for the next decade. The financial crisis notwithstanding, he has been broadly correct. Now some fear a bust in the world's second-largest economy. O'Neill, the 55-year-old chairman of Goldman Sachs Asset Management (GS), which oversees more than $800 billion, remains optimistic. He predicts a transition from manufacturing to consumption that will create a rare soft landing. And he thinks that Chinese stocks, along with battered markets in Japan and Europe, will lead the pack in 2013. Edited excerpts:

??? Lately people such as Morgan Stanley strategist Ruchir Sharma have been critical of the BRICs, arguing that investors shouldn't count on them.

??? It really depends on what people expected. How anyone in their right mind could seriously have expected China to continue to grow at 10% I'm not really sure.

??? His claim is not just that China hasn't lived up to its expected 10%. He's saying China isn't even going to grow 5%.

??? China slowed in 2010 and 2011 because policymakers were very worried about inflation, which was way above target for a brief period and of course linked to a very dramatic rise in urban house prices. And they deliberately slowed it. To argue that China is in the process of slowing to 5% or less -- anyone is entitled to a view, but I don't see what premise it's based on.

??? Well, the Chinese have moved to cities, and they're aging. So the demographic wind won't be at China's back anymore.

??? First of all, they're probably only about halfway through urbanization. Second, the fact that people are suddenly saying, "Oh, China's got a demographic challenge." I'm like, "Where have you all been sleeping for the past decade?" It's been known by those who follow it closely and, most importantly, by Chinese policymakers. That's why they've been focusing on better quality of growth and boosting their productivity rather than rely on sheer numbers of people urbanizing. I see things to worry about in India and Brazil, but if anything, China is doing better than I expected.


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