電子支付服務供應商VeriFone Systems 凡·特蘭Delaware Select Growth基金 股票代碼:(PAY) 股票類型:大盤股 ????凡·特蘭關注變革:那些產品或行業正處于大變革中的公司,變革往往也會抑制股價。她致力于發掘長期贏家,用她的話來說就是“時間套利”。特蘭從2010年開始共同管理Delaware Select Growth基金,這樣的策略幫助這只基金在過去十年實現了9.1%的年回報,同期標普指數的漲幅為6.2%。 ????特蘭深信當POS支付行業的震蕩變革完成時,VeriFone會成為贏家。支付方式從現金到卡片、再到如今的手機支付的變遷,移動支付Square、貝寶(PayPal)和谷歌(Google)等新的移動支付公司不斷涌現,推動行業大洗牌,過去兩年VeriFone的市場份額已經下降了20%,雖然公司仍期待2013年實現銷售額增長11%。特蘭懷疑像Square這樣的新公司能否拿到巨額投資實現規模化擴張。VeriFone在美國軟件和POS終端市場擁有高占有率(60%),而且“沒有將自己的業務押注于任何特定的支付領域,”她說。“它更多地是在現有生態系統中拓展,推動可能的趨勢。” ????--Ryan Derousseau |
VeriFone Systems Van Tran?Delaware Select Growth Ticker:?(PAY) Small and large pick:?Large-caps ????Van Tran focuses on transformation: Companies whose products or industries are in the midst of major change, which tends to depress stock prices. She aims to predict the long-term winner -- she calls it "time arbitrage." That strategy has helped the?Delaware Select Growth Fund(DVEAX), which Tran began co-managing in 2010, produce 9.1% annual returns over 10 years, vs. 6.2% for the S&P. ????Tran is betting that when the shakeup is complete among companies that handle point-of-sale payments, VeriFone will emerge triumphant. The ongoing shift from cash to plastic and now phones, combined with the entry of new mobile-payment players like Square, PayPal, and Google, has shaken the industry and helped push VeriFone shares down 20% over two years even as the company expects 11% sales growth in 2013. Tran is skeptical that newbies like Square can swing the massive investment needed to scale up. VeriFone, with its software and high market share in point-of-sale terminals -- 60% in the U.S. -- is "not betting their business on any given payment technology," she says. "It's more about working within the existing ecosystem and enabling what might come." ????--Ryan Derousseau |