????所有這些會嚇跑很多投資人,但可能嚇不走中國人,因為他們素來都不怎么懼怕風險。因此,很多人或許就將加州視為價值被低估的投資品種,就像很多人看待為債務所困的希臘一樣。而且,在2008年以前,中國向美國的投資非常少。金融危機后幾年,蔓延全球的金融危機令中國公司更加堅信不能再依賴出口或本土市場實現業務增長,對美國的投資激增。2000年至2007年,中國向加州年均投資不到2,500萬美元,2011年猛增至創紀錄的5.60億美元。 ????榮大聶和韓其洛呼吁加州人積極吸引中國投資。但做起來可能沒那么容易,因為它取決于加州人如何領會華盛頓立法者的調子。本周早些時候,美國國會的一份報告警告稱,中國最大的兩家電信設備公司華為(Huawei)和中興通訊(ZTE)向美國國內市場的潛在擴張威脅到了美國國家安全。就在這份報告發布前幾天,美國總統奧巴馬罕見地否決了俄勒岡州一個中資風電場項目,理由是出于國家安全的考慮。即便中國投資者打算在加州進行更多投資,加州人似乎也不一定愿意同中國人做更多的生意。 |
????All that might scare off any investor, but perhaps not the Chinese, who haven't exactly been known for their aversion to risk. And so some may just see California as an undervalued investment, just as some have viewed debt-troubled Greece. Also, Chinese investments into the U.S. were miniscule prior to 2008. In the years following the financial crisis, investment surged as financial turmoil across the globe reinforced to Chinese firms that they couldn't just continue relying on exports or markets at home to grow their business. Whereas investments from China to California between 2000 to 2007 averaged less than $25 million a year, Chinese firms in 2011 invested a record $560 million. ????Rosen and Hanemann have called on Californians to actively lure Chinese investment. That may be easier said than done, though, depending on how Californians digest the tone Washington lawmakers have been setting. Earlier this week, a congressional report warned that the potential expansion of two of China's largest telecom firms -- Huawei and ZTE -- into the U.S. market threatened U.S. national security. Just a few days before the report was issued, President Obama, in a rare move, blocked a Chinese-owned wind farm project in Oregon, citing national security concerns. Even if Chinese investors may want to invest more in California, it's not necessarily guaranteed that Californians want to do more business with the Chinese. |