????喜達屋國際酒店集團CEO史蒂文?海耶爾 ????這家位于美國康涅狄格州斯坦福德市的酒店業巨頭旗下擁有多家高檔酒店品牌,包括威斯汀酒店(Westin)和喜來登酒店(Sheraton)等。2007年,當喜達屋(Starwood)時任CEO史蒂文?海耶爾辭職后,投資者似乎都如釋重負。 ????其實,問題不在于喜達屋的經營有多么糟糕。當時,隨著商務旅行者數量的增多,美國酒店業蓬勃發展。但喜達屋董事會不喜歡海耶爾的管理風格,對他的領導能力失去了信心。 ????2007年4月2日,海耶爾辭職的消息傳出后,喜達屋股票上漲了4.6%,以67.82美元收盤。投資者不僅將此舉視為管理層的積極調整,同時認為買入喜達屋股票的機會增多。當時,公司負債相對較低,并且擁有強勁的現金流,因此經常被作為買入的目標。 |
????Starwood CEO Steven Heyer ????Investors of the Stamford, CT-based lodging giant that owns various upscale hotel brands including Westin and Sheraton appeared relieved when Starwood CEO Steven Heyer quit in 2007. ????The problem wasn't so much that business at Starwood was doing badly. At the time, the U.S. hotel industry was booming from a rising number of business travelers. Starwood's board of directors, however, didn't agree with Heyer's management style and lost confidence in his leadership. ????Shares of Starwood rose 4.6% on April 2, 2007 on news of his departure, closing at $67.82. Investors not only saw it as a positive management change, but also as increasing the chances of a buyout. At the time, the firm had low debt and strong cash flow, making it frequently mentioned as a buyout target. |