??? 百思買CEO布萊恩?鄧恩 ????投資者對百思買(Best Buy)領導人一直抱怨頗多,因為這家全球最大的電器零售商在競爭激烈的在線購物市場卻始終處于下風。 ????百思買CEO布萊恩?鄧恩最初從一名銷售員做起,領導百思買已有28個年頭。2012年4月,百思買董事會開始調查他與一名下屬的私人關系,之后他宣布辭職。根據投資者的反應來判斷,這則消息確實令他們歡欣鼓舞。但投資者同時也意識到,未來幾個月,這家零售業巨頭將面臨巨大的挑戰。鄧恩辭職的消息傳出后,公司股票上漲了3.3%,但很快又下跌了2.3%。如今,百思買創始人及前任董事會主席理查德?舒爾茨正試圖收購這家困難重重的零售公司。 |
????Best Buy CEO Brian Dunn ????The head of Best Buy had been sitting in the doghouse with investors, as he world's largest electronics retailer struggled to keep up with the hyper-competitive world of online shopping. ????CEO Brian Dunn, who rose from sales associate to lead Best Buy over the course of 28 years, resigned in April 2012 after the board began investigating his personal relationship with an employee. Judging by investors' reactions, it appeared they cheered the news but were well aware the big-box retailer face big challenges in the months going forward. Shares rose 3.3% on news before quickly falling 2.3%. Now Best Buy founder and former chairman Richard Schulze is attempting to acquire the struggling retailer. |