??? 巴克萊銀行CEO羅伯特?戴蒙德 ????這家英國銀行承認操縱銀行間貸款利率后,高層負責人離職就已經成為定局。 ????2012年7月3日,涉嫌操縱匯率丑聞的其他高管紛紛辭職后,銀行CEO羅伯特?戴蒙德也宣布下臺。一周之前,英國和美國監管部門以虛報倫敦銀行間同業拆借利率(LIBOR)為由,對這家全球最大的銀行處以超過4.5億美元的罰款。倫敦銀行間同業拆借利率在每個交易日上午確定,不僅影響銀行彼此間貸款需支付的費用,對更大范圍的市場也會造成影響,甚至從普通消費者的住房貸款到信用卡,都會受到影響。 ????銀行丑聞震驚了整個市場,而戴蒙德的離職則讓市場振奮不已。在他辭職當天,巴克萊銀行(Barclays)的股票便上漲了4.8%。這是可喜的現象,因為之前由于投資者擔心該銀行可能面臨數十億美元的訴訟,致使公司股票在6月28日狂跌了16%。 |
????Barclays CEO Robert Diamond ????After this British bank admitted to rigging costs charged when banks lend each other money, it was almost expected that that someone high up would have to go. ????CEO Robert Diamondstepped downJuly 3, 2012 following the resignations of other executives embroiled in the interest rates scandal. A week prior, the London-based bank, among the world's largest, was fined more than $450 million by British and U.S. regulators for under-reporting its interest rates as part of the London Interbank Offered Rate. The rate, set in London each trading morning, not only influences of the costs banks pay each other for loans but it also influences the broader market and what typical consumers pay for everything from home mortgages to credit cards. ????Markets, stunned by corruption at the bank, cheered at Diamond's departure. Barclay's stock gained as much as 4.8% the day of his resignation. This was a welcome boost, given that shares plunged 16% on June 28 on speculation the bank could face billions of dollars in lawsuits. |