??? Wellpoint公司CEO安吉拉?布拉麗 ????對于即將離任的CEO而言,剛剛宣布辭職的消息,便看到公司股票大漲,恐怕沒有比這更令人傷心的了。然而,現實就是如此殘酷。上周,安吉拉?布拉麗剛剛辭去美國第二大保險公司Wellpoint公司CEO的職位,便不得不面臨這種尷尬的境況。 ????8月28日,布拉麗即將辭職的消息傳出后,Wellpoint公司的股票便上漲了4.1%,漲至每股59.75美元【布拉麗是《財富》500強公司(Fortune 500)20位女性掌門人之一】。她在Wellpoint公司任職的四年內,公司始終無法實現盈利預期,并在四個月內兩次下調預期,引起投資者的極度不滿。據報道,早在布拉麗辭職之前,投資者便已經開始物色合適的人選來接管公司。 ????不過,與布拉麗同病相憐的人不在少數。過去幾年中,屢現CEO離職,投資者彈冠相慶的場面。本文將為您回顧最令人難忘的幾位“悲劇”CEO。 |
????Wellpoint CEO Angela Braly ????For outgoing CEOs, little hurts the ego more than seeing the stock of their company pop soon as they announce they're leaving. It's a harsh reality thatWellPointCEO Angela Braly faced last week when she resigned from the top spot at the second-biggest U.S. insurer. ????On August 28, the company's shares gained 4.1% to $59.75 on news Braly was resigning (She was one of 20 women running Fortune 500 companies). During her five-year tenure, investors grumbled asWellPointmissed earnings estimates and cut its forecast twice in four months. Even before Braly's departure, investors had reportedly been touting other candidates to head the company. ????Braly is not alone, however. Over the years investors have greeted plenty of departing CEOs with a cheer. Here's a look back at the most memorable. |