美國銀行業依然值得信任 ????日期:2011年8月23日 ????道瓊斯指數:上漲322點,漲幅3.3% ????2011年,投資者對三伏天的酷熱或許沒有太多印象,原因在于難以預料的全球經濟危機讓許多人不得不取消出行計劃,整日在辦公室里忙碌,以便隨時應對危機。8月底,聯邦存款保險公司(FDIC)發布報告稱,美國銀行業的健康狀況正在逐步改善,之后股市開始反彈。美國問題銀行數量首次下降,從888家減少到了865家。動蕩不安的8月臨近尾聲,這一結果使投資者開始對市場抱持審慎樂觀的態度。 |
Banks aren't doing so badly after all ????Date: August 23, 2011 ????Dow: up 322, or 3.3% ????The market never saw the dog days of summer in 2011, and plenty of Hamptons getaways were cancelled due to unforeseen global economic crises. Stocks bounced back in late August following an FDIC report saying the health of the nation's banks is actually improving. For the first time in nearly five years, the number of failing banks declined, moving from 888 "problem" institutions to 865. The results allowed for cautious optimism at the end of a shaky trading month. |