標準普爾下調美國信用評級 ????日期:2011年8月8日 ????道瓊斯指數:下跌635點,跌幅5.6% ????8月份第2周,美國股市經歷了跌宕起伏的四個交易日。相信這樣驚心動魄的經歷,投資者一定終生難忘。前一個周五的晚上,標準普爾做出了一個史無前例的決定,將美國的信用評級從AAA調整為AA+,震驚了整個世界。周一早上美國股市開盤之前,全球市場率先跳水,投資者陷入一片恐慌。當天被認為是2011年最糟糕的交易日。標準普爾500指數跌幅達到了6.7%,而納斯達克(Nasdaq )跌幅也高達6.9%。 ????而這一周才剛剛拉開序幕。 |
S&P downgrades the U.S. ????Date: August 8, 2011 ????Dow: -635, down 5.6% ????Who could forget the wild, four-day ride investors took during the second week in August? On the previous Friday evening, the world was rocked by news that Standard & Poor's had made the unprecedented decision to downgrade the United States' credit rating from AAA to AA+. World markets plunged before the U.S. market opened that Monday morning, and investors were panicked. The day marked the single worst trading day of 2011. The S&P 500 dropped 6.7%, and Nasdaq fell 6.9%. ????And the week was only beginning. |