日本核泄露危機 ????日期:2011年3月16日 ????道瓊斯指數:下跌242點,跌幅2% ????日本9.0級強震導致福島第一核電站的核反應堆出現泄露。日本核能與工業安全局(Nuclear and Industrial Safety Agency)將此次危機等級提升至有史以來的最高級別——的7級,屬于“重大事故”。雖然此次核事故的破壞程度仍不明確,但在隨后的3月16日,美國股市卻出現暴跌。投資者擔心,核泄露將會繼續,不僅會造成大量人員傷亡,還會嚴重波及世界經濟。 |
Japan's nuclear disaster ????Date: March 16, 2011 ????Dow: -242, down 2% ????Japan's 9.0 earthquake crippled the country's nuclear reactors at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant. The crisis was rated a 7 by Japan's Nuclear and Industrial Safety Agency -- a "major accident," and the highest rating possible. With the extent of the damage still unknown, the nuclear meltdown made for a rough trading day the following Wednesday. Investors worried that radiation would continue to leak, leading not only to a potentially massive human toll but a contagious economic one as well. |