第3名:伊士曼柯達 ????交易代碼: EK ????年初至今股票表現: -85% ????市值: 2.29億美元 ????財富500強排名: 327 ????現代攝影的開山鼻祖伊士曼柯達如今已有點跟不上這個新潮的數碼時代。 ????這家有著119年歷史的公司是曾經的科技領先者,讓攝影走進了大眾生活。但隨著數碼相機和手機的普及,如今的柯達差不多只能依靠其專利組合來勉強度日。 ????今年跌幅達85%左右的柯達股價最近已不到1美元。 ????9月份,柯達被迫提取信貸額度,之后股價承受了巨大的拋壓。數日后,穆迪(Moody's)下調了幾支柯達債券評級,令其在垃圾級別中越陷越深。 ????柯達否認了正在考慮破產的傳言,但承認已聘請一家知名律師事務所“探索各種可能性”。 ????現在,柯達靠專利侵權索賠填補收入。同時,公司也在考慮出售與數碼影像有關的1,100項專利,總價值可能超過20億美元。 ????但分析師們認為,沒有可行的數碼相機和打印機發展戰略,長期以往,柯達只靠專利過活的路子行不通。 |
Eastman Kodak ????Ticker: EK ????YTD stock performance: -85% ????Market cap: $229 ????Fortune 500 rank: 327 ????The granddaddy of modern photography, Eastman Kodak is having trouble keeping up in the newfangled digital world. ????The 119-year-old company pioneered the technology that made photography viable for a mass market. But the proliferation of digital cameras and cell phones has left Kodak with little more than its patent portfolio to fall back on. ????After falling some 85% this year, Kodak's stock trades for less than $1 a share. ????The stock came under heavy pressure in September after Kodak was forced to draw from its credit line. A few days later, Moody's downgraded several Kodak debt securities, pushing it even deeper into junk status. ????Kodak has denied rumors that it is considering bankruptcy. But the company has acknowledged that it hired a well-known law firm to "explore all options." ????For now, Kodak has been able to pad revenues by suing for patent infringement. And it is exploring the sale of 1,100 patents tied to digital imaging, which could be worth upwards of $2 billion. ????But without a workable strategy for digital cameras and printers, analysts say Kodak cannot survive for long on its patents alone. |