第7名:美國銀行 ????交易代碼: BAC ????年初至今股票表現: -57% ????市值: 580億美元 ????財富500強排名: 9 ????無論是在公眾、還是投資者的眼中,美國銀行的表現都不太好。美國客戶滿意度指數(American Customer Satisfaction Index)發布的一項報告顯示,2011年美國銀行的客戶滿意度在四大銀行中墊底,不如富國銀行(Wells Fargo)、花旗集團(Citigroup)和摩根大通(J.P. Morgan Chase)。在股市中,美國銀行今年一路下行,11月份更是創下兩年來的低點。 ????9月末,美國銀行因提議對借記卡收取每月5美元的客戶服務費,導致公眾形象一落千丈;11月份,該行宣布撤銷這一計劃。9月份,首席執行官布萊恩?莫伊尼漢還公布了一項名為“新美銀計劃(Project New BAC)”的瘦身方案。第一階段,公司將在2014年前裁減3萬個職位,將年度費用削減50億美元或18%。 ????巴克萊資本(Barclays Capital)5月份警告投資者未來五年內都不要指望美國銀行的凈資產會出現增長。但很多分析師們相信,今年以來跌幅明顯的這支股票具有價值。歐美經濟企穩可能令投資者重拾信心,推動股價回升。難就難在如何確定哪兒是底。 |
Bank of America ????Ticker: BAC ????YTD stock performance: -57% ????Market cap: $58 billion ????Fortune 500 rank: 9 ????Bank of America isn't doing so hot in the eyes of the public and investors alike. BofA finished last among the big four banks in customer satisfaction in 2011, according to a report from the American Customer Satisfaction Index, trailing Wells Fargo, Citigroup, and J.P. Morgan Chase. Its stock has taken serious body blows all year, hitting a two-year low in November. ????BofA faced a public relations debacle at the end of September over a proposed $5-a-month customer service charge for debit card use; it withdrew the plan in early November. CEO Brian Moynihan also announced in September a streamlining company overhaul known as "Project New BAC." Under the first phase, the company will cut 30,000 jobs and reduce annual expenses by either $5 billion or 18% by 2014. ????Barclays Capital warned investors in May not to expect net asset growth for Bank of America over the next five years. But a number of analysts believe the stock is a value play as it's marched so far down this year. Economic stabilization in the U.S. or Europe could restore investor confidence, sending shares back up. The hard part is guessing when they'll hit bottom. |