


Alex Konrad 2011-12-14


??? 多娜?賈基斯


????小就是美。今年,許多知名分析師折戟沉沙,但來自一家小公司(位于美國丹佛的D.A. Davidson公司)的多娜?賈基思卻表現最佳。她主要選擇的是電信行業的小型公司。《財富》雜志(Fortune)曾要求扎克斯投資研究所( Zacks Research)根據分析師在2011年前三個季度的預測對八個行業的分析師進行排名,而賈基思在其所在行業中名列前茅,她選擇的公司平均估價上漲了20%。她是如何做到的?避開大型公司,成功預測幾筆收購交易,其中主要是針對數據管理公司,因為她認為,大型電信與無線企業很難盈利。2010年12月,賈基思將云計算公司Savvis列為主要投資目標,當時公司股價不到27美元;而五個月之后,這家公司被美國電信運營商CenturyLink以每股40美元的價格收購。此外,賈基思還在2010年末圈定了另外一家云服務提供商Terremark公司,并以每股12美元的價格大筆買入。兩個月之后,這家公司被威力眾公司(Verizon)以每股19美元的價格收購。總之,今年是自2007年以來,賈基思最成功的一年,同時也是業界歷年來的最佳表現之一。2012年,她能否延續今年的輝煌?正如她所說:“壓力仍將繼續存在。”




????標準普爾500中的金融公司今年下跌了24%,但它們至少還有一位最堅定的捍衛者——迪克?波維(英文中與“沒門”押韻),即便他的分析精確度差強人意,但他的始終如一也將為他加分。整個2011年,波維始終建議投資者買進銀行股,其中包括花旗集團(Citigroup,今年下跌幅度超過40%)和美國銀行(Bank of America,下跌幅度約為60%)。波維已有46年從業經歷,并且是金融類電視節目的常客。但外界開始質疑,他還能否為投資者帶來收益。FusionIQ作者巴里?里薩茲認為:“波維已經落伍,他根本不了解現代銀行業的性質。”但波維依然堅持自己的選擇。“作為分析師,雖然我在2011年的表現不盡如人意,但這并不能合理衡量出市場的恐懼心理。”他在今年11月對外界表達了自己的歉意,但對于部分投資者來說,這份道歉遲到了將近一年的時間。


????Donna Jaegers

????D.A. Davidson

????Small is beautiful. In a year in which a lot of well-known analysts got crunched, the best-performing was Donna Jaegers, who works at a tiny firm (D.A. Davidson in Denver) and picked small-caps in her sector, telecom. Fortune asked Zacks Research to rank analysts in eight sectors based on their calls over the first three quarters of 2011, and Jaegers virtually lapped the field, with picks that were up an average of almost 20%. How'd she do it? Avoiding the giants -- where she says it's hard to make money in telecom and wireless -- and nailing a couple of takeover calls, primarily among data-management companies. Jaegers tabbed Savvis, a cloud-computing company, as a potential target at just under $27 in December 2010; five months later it was bought by CenturyLink (CTL) for $40 a share. Similarly, Jaegers pegged Terremark, another cloud-services provider, as a strong buy in late 2010 when the stock was at $12, and Verizon (VZ) acquired it two months later for $19 a share. In all, Jaegers posted her best year since 2007, and among the best in the analyst world. Will she repeat that success in 2012? As she puts it, "The pressure's on."


????Dick Bove

????Rochdale Securities

????Financials on the S&P 500 have fallen 24% this year, but they've had at least one steadfast defender, Dick Bove (rhymes with "No way!"), who gets points for consistency if not accuracy. Throughout 2011, Bove has told investors to buy banks, including Citigroup (C), down more than 40% this year, and Bank of America (BAC), down about 60%. With 46 years in the business, Bove remains a regular on the financial TV shows, but some skeptics question whether he can still make money for investors. "I don't think Dick understands the nature of modern banking any longer," writes Barry Ritholtz of FusionIQ. For his part, Bove stands by his picks. "Where I blew it as an analyst in 2011 was not properly gauging the fear in the market." He issued a mea culpa in November; for some investors, that was about a year too late.


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