


Cyrus Sanati 2011-12-01

????債務危機重創歐洲經濟,創口血如泉涌,歐洲領導人卻只能眼睜睜地看著之前貼在傷口上的創可貼開始慢慢脫落。由于無法擴容至必需的規模,歐洲最大的救助基金、高達4,400億歐元的歐洲金融穩定基金(European Financial Stability Facility)昨晚最終宣告無法為歐元區帶來穩定,最大的一塊創可貼也正式失效。基金負責人號召歐洲央行(European Central Bank)出臺更多措施以穩定形勢,不言而喻,這顯然是在推卸責任。

????在美聯儲(US Federal Reserve)的牽頭下,歐洲六大央行聯手出招,將現有臨時美元流動性互換安排的定價下調50個基點。然而,這一聯合行動看起來不過是另外一張創可貼。雖然此番聯合救市會降低歐洲銀行的美元融資成本,也會令部分歐元區成員國不斷攀升的債券收益率有所下降,但卻解決不了根本問題。救市效果不會長久,也無法解決困擾歐元區的結構性財政問題。而且,這并不是各國央行第一次在金融危機中采取聯合行動。根據以往的經驗來判斷,當市場發現根本問題并未解決之后,救市推動的市場上漲通常都是曇花一現。






????European leaders are watching the Band-Aids they stuck on the eurozone's gushing wound of debt start to peel off. The largest attempted fix, the 440 billion euro European Financial Stability Facility, finally fell off last night, after the fund announced that it would not be able to lever up to a level that could actually bring stability to the eurozone. The head of the EFSF called on the European Central Bank to do more to stabilize the situation, ostensibly passing the buck.

????Today's coordinated action by the central banks of developed nations, led by the US Federal Reserve, to lower the pricing on existing temporary U.S. dollar liquidity swap arrangements by 50 basis points, looks like yet another Band-Aid. While this will make it cheaper for European banks to access critical dollar funding, and it will lower skyrocketing bond yields of some eurozone nations, it isn't a solution to the problem. The effects are temporary and do not address the structural fiscal problems plaguing the eurozone. And this isn't the first time there has been coordinated action between central banks during the financial crisis. The subsequent market rallies that accompany such moves usually fizzle out after it becomes clear that the root of the problem still exists.

????Solving the European crisis seems to have devolved into a binary choice whereby either the European Central Bank becomes the lender of last resort for the entire eurozone or the zone's nations pool their debt and issues joint "eurobonds."

????The ECB choice is clearly the easiest and fastest way to put an end to this crisis in the short to medium term, but it doesn't solve the common currency's core problem -- its lack of fiscal integration. The issuance of a common debt instrument would require such fiscal integration, ostensibly extinguishing the core problem. But are European politicians ready, or indeed desperate enough, to hand over the power of the purse, arguably their greatest power, to bureaucrats in Brussels?

????There are several proposals floating about as to how the eurobond could become a reality. There are constituents in Europe that want the eurobond to totally replace all sovereign debt in the continent, therefore spreading out the funding risk to all 17 members of the euro. This would see the borrowing rates of deeply indebted nations, like Italy and Greece, drop from their record highs, while countries with strong balance sheets, like Germany and the Netherlands, would see their rates rise.

????Such a scenario seems unfair to the Germans, which have repeatedly blocked any talk of issuing eurobonds. They believe that the interest rate pressure on profligate nations is the only thing that is forcing them to actually tighten their belts. But the Germans finally seem open to taking a hit in interest rates if those nations give up their fiscal authority to the EU and take on a German-like balanced budget solution.

????This idea of melding the eurozone's fiscal and monetary policies seems to be the stitch that will finally seal Europe's growing debt wound and bind the continent together. The eurobond is simply the vehicle by which this idea is manifested, it isn't the solution. But European leaders are still hesitant to give in. There are a number of eurobond structures floating about that seem to be more Band-Aid than stitch.


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