


Sheila Bair 2011-11-04



????歐洲采用復雜的巴塞爾協議II(Basel II),進一步激化了這個問題——巴塞爾協議II事實上是讓銀行高管自己來確定資產的風險水平。簡直是幼稚。聲稱資產風險低符合銀行高管的利益,因為這樣銀行就能實現杠桿率和凈資產回報率最大化,進而提高高管的報酬和分紅。事實上,即使是在大蕭條時期,債務拖欠和違約增加,大多數歐洲銀行仍然聲稱它們資產的安全正在提高。


????去年,巴塞爾銀行監管委員會(Basel Committee on Banking Supervision)終于批準了的3%國際杠桿率,盡管這一比例仍然過低。即便是這么低的要求,該委員會的研究發現全球仍有超過 40%的大銀行都需要補充資本金。與此同時,歐洲銀行管理局(European Banking Authority)正在將歐洲銀行業的普通股權益資本比率提高到9%,大大高于巴塞爾協議II的2%標準,基本相當于新的巴塞爾協議III的標準。但即便是采用9%的標準,眾多歐洲銀行仍將保持極端的杠桿率,因為它們對風險所持的觀點仍然相當樂觀。


????巴塞爾委員會需要行動迅速一點,采用由監管機構(而非銀行)設立的風險衡量標準,貫徹于所有銀行。美國監管機構犯過很多錯,但由于我們保持了杠桿率要求并暫緩執行巴塞爾協議II ,由聯邦存款保險公司擔保的銀行財務狀況一直比其他金融機構更為穩健。銀行的資本金標準不應由銀行說了算。公眾需要看到更完善的監管。銀行監管機構應當恪盡職守,設立最低資本金要求就是它們的職責所在,而不是存在利害關系的銀行高管們的職責。

????The European sovereign debt crisis is slowly driving the global economy back into the ditch. Why is this crisis so unresolvable? The answer comes back once again to excess risk taking and leverage in the banking sector. In late October, Europe's leaders finally persuaded the banks to take a 50% cut on the Greek debt they hold, although this agreement could be jeopardized by Greece's recent call for a referendum on its bailout package. But debt restructuring will get you only so far because Europe's banks do not have sufficient capital to absorb future losses, which the IMF estimates will be $280 billion or higher. And why are Europe's banks so thinly capitalized? That responsibility rests squarely with European banks and their regulators.

????When bank regulators assess the adequacy of a bank's capital to handle losses from its loans, investments, and other assets, they take into account the riskiness of those assets. For instance, an investment in U.S. Treasuries carries lower risk (we hope) than an unsecured credit card line. The process, however, is more art than science, and in Europe regulators have given their banks much more leeway in making those determinations than banks have in the U.S. As a result, since the mid-1990s European banks have continually lowered their estimates of likely losses on their assets and now say their assets are twice as safe as those held by U.S. banks.

????The problem has been exacerbated by Europe's adoption of a complex Basel II methodology, which essentially lets bank managers use their own judgment in determining the riskiness of their assets. That is naive. It is in a bank manager's interest to say his assets have low risk, because it enables the bank to maximize leverage and return on equity, which in turn can lead to bigger pay and bonuses. Indeed, even during the Great Recession, as delinquencies and defaults increased, most European banks were saying their assets were becoming safer.

????The U.S., which has tighter rules governing how FDIC-insured banks determine the riskiness of assets, requires well-capitalized banks to hold capital equal to at least 5% of total assets, regardless of how risky they think the assets are. So for any asset, be it cash, U.S. Treasury securities, or supposedly safe mortgages, banks must hold at least 5% capital against it. European banks do not have this kind of "leverage ratio," and Basel II has allowed them to treat sovereign debt as having zero risk. That is one of the main reasons they have loaded up on nearly $3 trillion of it.

????Last year the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision finally approved a still-too-low 3% international leverage ratio. Even at that permissive level, the committee's own research suggests that more than 40% of the world's largest banks would have to raise capital. At the same time, the European Banking Authority (EBA) is raising European banks' common equity capital requirement to 9%, a huge jump from the Basel II standard of 2% and roughly equivalent to the new Basel III standards. But even at 9%, a large number of European banks will continue to operate at extreme levels of leverage because of their rosy views of risk.

????European regulators should supplement this requirement with the Basel III 3% leverage ratio -- or even better, the U.S. 5% requirement, adjusting for accounting differences. The EBA should also use realistic loss estimates more in line with those of the IMF and private analysts. If banks have to accept dilution of their stock or temporary nationalization, so be it.

????The Basel committee needs to move swiftly to adopt standardized measures of risk set by regulators, not banks, and to consistently apply them across all institutions. U.S. regulators made many mistakes, but because we maintained our leverage ratio and delayed Basel II implementation, FDIC-insured banks have remained much more stable than other financial institutions. Bank capital standards should not be an insider's game. The public deserves better. Bank regulators should do their job, and it is their job, not the job of conflicted bank managers, to set minimum capital levels.


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