


Nin-Hai Tseng 2011-09-01


????眼下經濟恢復再度步履維艱,美國金融體系更是接近崩潰。不過哈佛大學(Harvard University)經濟學家肯思斯?羅高夫指出,今天的經濟恢復可以說是一次“大緊縮”,這次金融海嘯的余震無論從哪方面看,都不像是一場典型的經濟蕭條。

????本月早些時候,羅高夫在《評論匯編》(Project Syndicate)雜志中撰文稱:“在傳統的經濟蕭條期里,一旦經濟開始重新增長,就意味著不久之后,經濟將以較快的速度返回常態。經濟不僅會收復失地,而且一般來說,一年之內,就會追趕上它的長期增長趨勢。”

????這場大蕭條兩年前就正式結束了。不過今年上半年,美國經濟的增幅幾乎為零。上周美聯儲(Federal Reserve)主席本?伯南克在懷俄明州的杰克森霍爾發表了一個演講,承認市場之所以疲弱不振,其根本癥結并不是靠央行的力量就能解決。現在華盛頓的立法者們必須站出來,給經濟復蘇注入活力。



????歷次經濟危機結束時,企業的投資都會激增,只有這次是個例外。眼下并沒有多少新工廠破土動工,企業也沒有吃進多少商業地產。據美國進步中心(Center for American Progress)介紹,自從金融海嘯爆發以來,企業的投資一直保持低位運行,平均只占GDP的10.3%,這是自上世紀70年代以來所有經濟周期中最低的一次。


????前美聯儲主席艾倫?格林斯潘最近接受《金融時報》(The Financial Times)采訪時指出:“在這次經濟恢復時期里,企業為什么不肯投資于長期資產?也就是說他們為什么不肯做出20年以上的投資?原因主要是當前經濟中存在著很大的不確定性因素。”


????It's hard to pinpoint exactly what has continued to hamper the U.S. economy. Economists and the media have popularly adopted the term "The Great Recession" to describe all that's gone wrong since the housing market collapsed several years ago, implying that Americans have just come out of a typical recession that, if anything, was only more severe.

????Needless to say, the near implosion of the U.S. financial system was severe. But as Harvard University economist Kenneth Rogoff has pointed out, the recovery today is something that can only be called "The Great Contraction," suggesting that the aftermath of a financial crisis does not look anything close to that of a typical recession.

????"In a conventional recession, the resumption of growth implies a reasonably brisk return to normalcy," Rogoff wrote earlier this month in Project Syndicate. "The economy not only regains its lost ground, but, within a year, it typically catches up to its rising long-run trend."

????The recession officially ended more than two years ago. And yet, during the first half of this year, the economy barely grew. With Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke acknowledging in his speech in Jackson Hole, Wyo., last week that the problems plaguing the marketplace are beyond the powers of the central bank, it becomes all the more important for Washington lawmakers to help reboot the economy.

????Members of Congress might be scratching their heads over what to do next, but perhaps as a starting point, members should look at how this recovery is different from previous ones.

????Long-term business investment: Since 1949, construction has been a major component driving economic recoveries. Not only does construction of new buildings and factories help make companies become more productive, but it also creates jobs for the overall economy as each order of concrete, for instance, demands workers to do everything from taking the order to delivering it from the warehouse to the building site.

????But unlike the end of other recessions when business investment surged, companies today aren't building many new factories or buying up much commercial real estate. Business investment has continued at a slow place, averaging 10.3% of GDP since the start of the latest recession – the lowest average for any business cycle since the 1970s, according to the Center for American Progress.

????Given that S&P 500's non-financial companies altogether hold more than $1.1 trillion in cash and short-term investments, it's not as if America's biggest companies don't have the money to invest. So what's to blame for the pullback in spending?

????"It's a question of why is it that we no longer in a recovery can fund long-term assets –basically 20 years or more – and the answer essentially is that there's a huge element of uncertainty in this economy," former Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan said in a recent interview with The Financial Times.

????Greenspan has urged Washington lawmakers and policymakers to stand aside and let the economy heal on its own. However, the pains of slow growth and high unemployment might be too much for many to endure. What's more, doing nothing would certainly be politically unpopular especially given the 2012 presidential election.


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