姓名:邁克?史尼科 職務:Wasatch Long/Short Fund基金公司經理 ????Wasatch Long/Short基金公司擁有資金8.5億美元。這幾周著實讓現金充裕的邁克?史尼科興奮了一把。他一般讓基金的現金流保持在基金總額的20%。自2006年以來,這一戰略讓公司保持了3%年回報率,傲視業界同行。股市暴跌之后,他運用手頭的現金迅速買入了保險公司的股票(有些公司的股價已低于賬面價值)和商業服務公司的股票。 ????市場最近的波動使得他有機會將基金的多頭倉位提高了5%。但是他并不認為從此將一帆風順。“過去幾周,市場一直在受心理作用的主導,”他說,“市場基本面仍很吸引人,但是負面心理影響將持續很長一段時間。” |
Name: Mike Shinnick Title: Manager, Wasatch Long/Short Fund ????Mike Shinnick of the $850 million Wasatch Long/Short fund likes to have a load of cash for weeks like these. He typically keeps 20% of the fund's holdings in cash. It's a strategy that has produced market-beating 3% annualized returns since 2006. As markets plummeted, he used the money to snatch shares of insurance companies--some trading below book value--and business services firms. ????The market's recent swings allowed him to boost the fund's long positions by 5%. But he's not predicting smooth sailing from here. "Psychology has been driving the markets over the past week," he says. "The fundamentals are attractive but the negative psychology could persist for a long time." |