




 作者: JP Mangalindan    時間: 2011年04月28日    來源: 財富中文網
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????最近,形勢開始有所轉變。早在1995年,尼古拉斯?尼葛洛龐帝就預測到互聯網的現狀。他提出了“個性化媒體”(Daily Me,又稱每日的我)的概念,該服務能提供定制化的新聞體驗。但是,直到過去的1年半時間里,體現這一理念的主流產品和服務才真正開始出現。由于社交網絡迅速成為人們日常生活中必不可少的組成部分,同時人們開始使用平板電腦處理越來越多的內容,一系列社交媒體開始體現出個性化媒體的思想,它們力求不斷優化內容篩選服務,并因此展開了激烈的角逐。這些公司包括:Flipboard、Zite以及News.me。這或許是迄今為止業界對尼葛洛龐帝的最為直接的表達敬意吧。

????這些服務的工作原理有所不同。這一點在《財富》(Fortune)于去年舉辦的頭腦風暴技術大會(Brainstorm Tech conference)上得到了集中體現:Flipboard收集社交網絡和互聯網內容,再以類似雜志的形式呈現給用戶;Zite則根據用戶的使用行為/習慣提供個性化的用戶體驗。News.me不僅借助適應性技術,提供令人賞心悅目的設計;而且,與前兩者不同的是,它還采取按周或月付費訂閱的形式。不管怎么說,這三者都以這樣或那樣的方式,將用戶的各種社交網絡圖集成到一起。而且,每家公司對于自己的思路都有一套合理的解釋。

????“我們面臨的一個最大挑戰在于:如何簡化發現、消費、消化內容的過程,使之更易于操作。” Flipboard首席執行官邁克?麥克庫伊表示。“我認為,在實現尼古拉斯?尼葛洛龐帝的原始設想方面,社交網絡稱得上迄今最偉大的探索,它們是用戶的個性化探索和發現工具。”

????這點同樣也是專注于Twitter的初創公司Sulia的核心理念。該公司由喬納森?格里克創建,是得到Twitter支持的屈指可數的第三方服務之一。其任務是:對推和Twitter列表進行過濾,并能針對任一話題,確定哪些人加入的Twitter列表最多并且發推最多。這些發推者則依序成為五花八門的各類頻道的“頂級專家”來源。這些頻道包括:Sulia的各類頻道,從政治與理想(Politics & Causes)到藝術與娛樂(Arts & Entertainment)等各類主題無所不包;以及其他可通過Sulia或者Flipboard等應用程序正常收看的頻道。


????格里克曾在《紐約時報》電子媒體公司(The New York Times Electronic Media Company)擔任產品開發與技術部門的負責人。他表示:“我們不妨將這些信息碎片看作組成棉被的棉絮,我們所做的就是將這些碎片縫接成一張密密實實的‘大棉被’,我們可以干得更出色。”






????Even the most casual social network user will admit that the Facebook or Twitter experience can be overwhelming -- that merciless stream of status updates and shared content, which sometimes feels less like a stream and more like a deluge, waits for no man, woman, or Web crawler.

????Of course, there's good reason to feel that way: Facebookers share 30-billion plus pieces of information each month, and Twitter users output 1 billion tweets weekly. There's a tremendous amount of digital information floating around and few great solutions for filtering it, making sense of it, and consuming it.

????That's changing. Nicholas Negroponte foreshadowed the current state of things back in 1995 with the "Daily Me," a customized news experience, but it's only been over the last 18 months that his idea has manifested itself via mainstream products and services. As social networks quickly become entrenched in our everyday lives and content becomes increasingly consumed on tablets, we're seeing the Daily Me embodied among competitors in a race towards better content curation: Flipboard, Zite, and News.me, maybe the most obvious homage to Negroponte yet.

????They all work differently. Unveiled at Fortune's Brainstorm Tech conference last year, Flipboard pulls social network and web content and presents it in magazine-like form; Zite tries to personalize the user experience based on behavior. And News.me meshes attractive design with adaptive technology, and differentiates itself with a paid subscription weekly or monthly model. All of them integrate your social network graphs in some way, and there's a reason for that.

????"One of the biggest challenges is how do you make that content more easily discoverable, easily consumable, easily digestible," says Flipboard CEO Mike McCue. "I think social networks are the biggest heuristic we've ever had to achieving the original vision of Nicholas Negroponte's idea -- they act as your personalization heuristics."

????That same concept is at the core of the Twitter-focused start-up Sulia. Founded by Jonathan Glick, it's one of the few Twitter-endorsed third-party services. Its mission: filter tweets and Twitter lists to figure out who the most frequently listed and prolific tweeters are on any given topic. Those tweeters in turn become the sources of "Top experts" of different broad channels on Sulia, from Politics & Causes to Arts & Entertainment, and those channels are viewable on Sulia.com proper or via apps like Flipboard.

????Though services like Sulia help filter through all the riff-raff, there's a long way to go, something McCue and Glick readily admit. It's a challenge with no clear discernible answer, or at least one they're ready to reveal yet, other than the obvious: make the technology smarter.

????"Think of these pieces of information like individual pieces of a quilt," says Glick, who once served as Head of Product Development and Technology for The New York Times Electronic Media Company. "We can do a better job of patching those pieces together into one cohesive, larger work."

????Zite already tries to do that, based on factors like click-throughs, how long users linger on stories, and even semantics -- "left-wing" blogger? "Right wing?" -- to increasingly "surface" relevant content to readers. The current level of technology remains promising but flawed. Content could be curated depending on deeper aspects like who you interact with the most on Facebook or Twitter -- colleagues, mentors, close friends and family -- and all without readers having to perform banal tasks like voting stories up or down.

????Instead, McCue argues that better content curation should come without what he views as superfluous user input. Whether it's a computer, a tablet or a smartphone, there will always be a user contingent that wants access to all the knobs and buttons to tweak the product and service as much as they like. Yet, the majority or mainstream will arguably want all that stuff tucked away behind-the-scenes.

????Developers and curators will and should get smart on this front, but not too smart. Cross the line, and heavily curated content actually becomes negative. As services dig deeper into our social graph, they run the risk of eventually presenting a narrow, homogeneous mix of information that lacks the serendipity that comes from discovering the news for ourselves, as we might when we open the day's newspaper. That's an important element -- not to say it's only the province of old-media to be serendipitous -- if StumbleUpon's 1 billion monthly "stumbles" are any indication. If content becomes so personalized that, say, users only see left-wing- or right-wing-leaning content that reinforces their world-views, that's no good either. There's no room for debate if users simply don't know what the other side is saying.

????In other words, there may be a lot of utility in socially curated news apps, but there could also be a point where rather than act as a very smart filter, news aggregators become nothing more than a simple, dumb mirror.




@關子臨: 自信也許會壓倒聰明,演技的好壞也許會壓倒腦力的強弱,好領導就是循循善誘的人,不獨裁,而有見地,能讓人心悅誠服。    參加討論>>
@DuoDuopa:彼得原理,是美國學者勞倫斯彼得在對組織中人員晉升的相關現象研究后得出的一個結論:在各種組織中,由于習慣于對在某個等級上稱職的人員進行晉升提拔,因而雇員總是趨向于晉升到其不稱職的地位。    參加討論>>
@Bruce的森林:正念,應該可以解釋為專注當下的事情,而不去想過去這件事是怎么做的,這件事將來會怎樣。一方面,這種理念可以幫助員工排除雜念,把注意力集中在工作本身,減少壓力,提高創造力。另一方面,這不失為提高員工工作效率的好方法。可能后者是各大BOSS們更看重的吧。    參加討論>>

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