柯愛倫 |
Ellen J. Kullman |
所在公司:杜邦公司(DuPont) 職務:首席執行官兼董事長 公司500強排名:285 ????柯愛倫于塔夫斯大學(Tufts)獲得機械工程學士學位,之后于西北大學(Northwestern University)獲得管理碩士學位。畢業后,她曾就職于通用電氣(General Electric)。 ????她于1988年加入杜邦,擔任市場營銷經理,在公司一呆就是20年。2006年,柯愛倫被任命為執行副總裁,負責公司的業務平臺以及市場營銷和銷售。 ????2009年1月1日,柯愛倫成為杜邦第一任女性首席執行官。在過去的一年中,公司的營運收入增長了21%。 ????最近,柯愛倫向美國公共電視臺(PBS)透露,“為人父母的經歷對成為首席執行官很有幫助,因為我們無法控制孩子們的所作所為,不是嗎?這讓我明白,不一定我怎么說他們就會怎么做。” |
Company: DuPont Position: CEO and chair Global 500 Rank: 285 ????With a master's degree in management from Northwestern University -- which she received after studying mechanical engineering at Tufts -- Ellen Kullman headed to General Electric. ????She moved to DuPont in 1988 as a marketing manager and has been with the company for over 20 years. In 2006, Kullman was named EVP and manned the company's business platforms, as well as marketing and sales. ????In January 1, 2009, Kullman became DuPont's first female CEO. In the past year, the company's ????Kullman recently told PBS, "Parenting is good training to be CEO because we can't control our children's actions, right? It helped me understand that just because I said so, wasn't a reason for them to do anything." |