







專欄 - 向Anne提問


Anne Fisher 2014年10月28日

Anne Fisher為《財富》雜志《向Anne提問》的專欄作者,這個職場專欄始于1996年,幫助讀者適應經濟的興衰起落、行業轉換,以及工作中面臨的各種困惑。



????親愛的S.S.:高薪酬是很好的條件,但正如你發現的那樣,僅僅依靠高薪酬還不夠。達拉斯獵頭公司Babich & Co的總裁湯尼?貝什拉表示:“更高的工資、報銷賬戶、退休基金、股票期權和其他經濟激勵,是必須要有的條件。事實上,這些條件還必須非常優厚。”但在這場人才爭奪戰中,它們只是擺在桌面上的籌碼。


????在與里克?拉文斯基合著的新書《10萬次成功招聘:有效招聘的藝術、科學和運氣》(100,000 Successful Hires: The Art, Science, and Luck of Effective Hiring)中,貝什拉提出了一個問題清單。與CFO職位被動候選人面談之前,你應該先問一下自己這六個問題:

????? 這個機會提供的工資、福利、潛力和保障是否足夠出色,會讓我(假設我對當前的工作很滿意)考慮跳槽到一家不同的公司?

????? 它是否超越了其他機會?

????? 我是否真的愿意用心去推銷它?

????? 這個崗位未來是否有光明的職業發展前景?

????? 從CEO到高管,整個公司是否愿意付出額外努力去尋找合適人選?

????? 我們所有人是否能夠并且樂意把它“推銷”出去?




????Dear Annie:I work in human resources at a midsize company that is trying to find a chief financial officer with a particular set of skills. A number of candidates have applied, and we’ve met with them. Impressive as they are, it seems to me that, to get the best person for the job, we’re going to have to pursue people who are already working for other companies, including one or two of our direct competitors. I saw your article about poachable.com, and I really wish there were a similar job site for non-tech people, because, so far, the “passive” candidates we want are turning us down, despite our offer of compensation that far exceeds what any of them are earning now. Any suggestions? — Stumped in Seattle

????Dear S.S.:Money is great but, as you’ve noticed, it isn’t enough all by itself. “Higher pay, expense account, retirement funds, stock options, and other financial incentives have to be there. In fact, they have to be exceptional,” says Tony Beshara, president of Dallas headhunting firm Babich& Co. But in this game, they’re just table stakes.

????What really attracts executives who are happy in their current jobs, he says, is much more complicated. An already-employed C-suite candidate “has to be given plenty of good psychological, emotional, and practical reasons” for moving, Beshara says. “No one likes to change jobs. It’s stressful, because it’s always a gamble.” Most hiring managers don’t recognize this, he adds, so they don’t compensate for it by making the opening they’re trying to fill seem compelling enough.

????In a new book, 100,000 Successful Hires: The Art, Science, and Luck of Effective Hiring, Beshara and coauthor Rich Lavinski offer this checklist of six questions to ask yourself before you sit down with a passive candidate for your CFO position:

????? Does the opportunity have the same kind of outstanding money, benefits, potential, and security that would make me (assuming I’m contented in my current job) consider going to a different company?

????? Is it above and beyond any other opportunity out there?

????? Am I willing to sell it really hard?

????? Is there a career path, with an exceptional potential future, beyond this position?

????? From the CEO on down, are higher-ups and the whole company willing to go the extra mile to get the right candidate?

????? Can and will we all “sell” it?

????“This is quite different from the way employers are in the habit of approaching jobseekers,” Beshara notes. “It’s the opposite of the usual interviewing stance, which is basically, ‘Why should I hire you?’ or ‘What can you do for the company?’ Here, you have to go all out to persuade the candidate that he or she will be better off in every way than he or she already is.”

????What’s more, in Beshara’s experience, that often means impressing a candidate’s spouse as well. “We always keep track of the spouse’s support of a ‘passive’ candidate’s job change. A reluctant life partner can torpedo a move. But if we can make a change seem more attractive to the spouse, the whole process may be easier,” he says. “Ignoring the spouse and kids, especially if a relocation is part of the deal, is a recipe for disaster.”

????Beshara also recommends giving some thought to how you’ll respond if, or when, the candidate’s current employer makes a counter offer. “In the same way that the person you want has not been looking for a job, their present employer isn’t ready for them to leave,” he says. “Odds are it will be a shock to them, and they will up the ante.” Get ready to match or, if at all possible, beat what the other company puts on the table.

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