







專欄 - 人間煙火


查大偉 2014年09月26日

查大偉(David Chard)是一位領導力培養顧問,在亞太地區擁有30年的從業經驗。作為聯心管理顧問有限公司(EngagingMinds)的創始人,他全身心致力于通過領導力和領導策略實現個人和組織向敬業型轉變。他普通話流利,經常來往中國。他的聯系方式是:[email protected]





????根據最近一項對斯坦福商學院顧問委員會(Stanford Graduate School of Business Advisory Council)成員的調查,75人均將自我意識列為成功領導者最為重要的一項能力。作為領導者,需要了解自己的脾性,揚長避短。自我意識關系到分辨自身特有的習性,而領導者往往將這種特性視為理所當然,可實際上只是特例。




????1. 自我意識:也就是對自身的了解

????2. 自我調節:控制自己的行為和情緒

????3. 自我激勵:知曉什么能夠和不能激勵自己

????4. 同理心:能對別人的心態感同身受并認同別人的努力

????5. 社交能力:能在任何情況下與他人達成默契


????“If your emotional abilities aren't in hand, if you don't have self-awareness, if you are not able to manage your distressing emotions, if you can't have empathy and have effective relationships, then no matter how smart you are, you are not going to get very far.

????Daniel Goleman

????“IQ is a major factor in deciding which profession you can get into. But once you are in that field, emotional intelligence emerges as a much stronger predictor of who will be most successful, because it is how we handle ourselves in our relationships that determines how well we do once we are in a given job.”

????Daniel Goleman

????A recent survey of 75 members of the Stanford Graduate School of Business Advisory Council rated self-awareness as the most important capability for leaders to develop. Executives need to know where their natural inclinations lie in order to boost them or compensate for them. Self-awareness is about identifying their own personal idiosyncrasies — the characteristics that executives take to be the norm-- but actually represent the exception.

????Self-awareness is indeed very important for leaders, and is one of the five dimensions of “Emotional Intelligence” identified by Dr. Daniel Goleman, a leading expert on the subject of “EQ.” In the old days, perhaps a person in a position of responsibility could survive solely on the basis of their “IQ” and professional expertise. But in the complex world we now live in, where people have increasingly higher standards for those they follow, leaders are expected to continuously develop their EQ if they are to earn the respect of others.

????Never heard of “Emotional Intelligence or “EQ?” Then I suggest that this article is going to be important for you!

????Goleman’s 5 Dimensions of Emotional Intelligence include:

????1. Self-awareness: literally ‘knowing yourself’

????2. Self-regulation: managing yourself and your moods

????3. Motivation: knowing what motivates you and what does not

????4. Empathy: the ability to experience others as legitimate and valuable and identify with their struggles

????5. Social skills: the ability to build rapport with others, whenever needed

????We claim that Self Awareness is the ‘master key’ to Emotional Intelligence and that the other four of Goleman’s EQ elements all ultimately link back to Self-Awareness.

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