







專欄 - 向Anne提問


Anne Fisher 2014年04月23日

Anne Fisher為《財富》雜志《向Anne提問》的專欄作者,這個職場專欄始于1996年,幫助讀者適應經濟的興衰起落、行業轉換,以及工作中面臨的各種困惑。
專心工作的時候,你最怕聽到的一句話是什么?是不是“能占用你1分鐘嗎”?時間去哪兒了?沒錯,時間就是被這句話給吞掉了。整天源源不斷的各種干擾讓身處職場的人很難高效地完成實際工作。不過, 只要給工作的關鍵時段上個“鎖”,問題就能迎刃而解。



親愛的無計可施的人:你并不是第一個為這種事而感到頭疼的人。據德勤咨詢公司(Deloitte Consulting)發布的2014年人力資本趨勢研究顯示,有將近70%的高級管理者認為,因全天被信息和干擾所包圍而“不堪重負的員工”是拖累生產效率的“迫切”或“非常重要”的因素。這項調查面向90個國家的2,500多位管理者進行,調查的研究報告宣稱,到目前為止只有約4%的公司出臺了旨在解決這個問題的簡單政策或方案。

????既然你的老板不在這4%之列,那么解決問題只能靠你自己了。“當有人打個電話或順道過來轉轉說:‘能占用你一分鐘時間嗎?’時,一切看起來似乎合情合理,”即將出版的《降服時間大盜:找回被偷走的寶貴時間》(The Time Bandit Solution: Recovering Stolen Time You Never Knew You Had)一書的作者艾德?布朗說。“但一旦思路被打斷,你就很難再找回來。通常情況下,你只有從頭再開始。這不僅是時間的巨大浪費,甚至還會造成更多的壓力。”

????布朗是科恩布朗管理集團(Cohen Brown Management Group)的聯合創始人,這家公司一直在為美林證券(Merrill Lynch)、花旗銀行(Citibank)和保誠保險(Prudential)這些從事金融服務業的客戶提供時間管理咨詢服務。布朗表示,在很多大公司,人們有40%至60%的工作時間會慢慢消耗在分心的事物上,尤其是來自于同事的干擾。他將這樣的同事稱之為“時間大盜”。根據布朗的觀察,“老板通常是最惡劣的違規者,因為身為員工,你會覺得自己無法開口拒絕。”


????布朗承認,要讓每個人都認同這樣的做法需要進行一些協商。但他認為,說服同事制定一份“請勿打擾”的時間表通常是“是一件能造福于所有人的簡單事情。” 他發現,有些團隊和部門在嘗試一兩個星期之后就嘗到了甜頭:工作效率大幅提升,不堪重負的員工少了。于是,他們便將“時間鎖”系統變成了制度沿襲下來。







Dear Annie: I work in an office that used to be a "cube farm," which was noisy and distracting enough, but now we've gone to an "open plan" layout where there are no walls at all between workstations. This is supposed to make collaboration and teamwork easier, but some people seem to think it means they can bother co-workers at any time with any dumb little question or the latest tidbit of office gossip or whatever.

????The problem is, with the constant flood of emails, texts, phone messages, and now in-person interruptions, it's almost impossible to concentrate for more than a minute or two. I like my boss, but he's the biggest distraction, dropping by my desk five or six times a day to, as he says, "check in." Can you suggest any way to tell people (especially the boss) to buzz off, without being rude about it? -- At Wit's End

Dear A.W.E.: You're not the only one struggling with this. Consider: Almost 70% of senior managers say "the overwhelmed employee" -- bombarded with information and interruptions all day long -- is an "urgent" or "very important" drag on productivity, according to the 2014 Human Capital Trends Study from Deloitte Consulting. Drawing on a poll of about 2,500 managers in 90 countries, the report says that only about 4% of companies have so far come up with any kind of policy or program to address this.

????Since your employer doesn't seem to be one of those few, it's up to you. "When someone calls or drops by and says, 'Got a minute?' it seems so reasonable,"notesEd Brown, author of a forthcoming book, The Time Bandit Solution: Recovering Stolen Time You Never Knew You Had."But once your train of thought has been disrupted, it's very hard to get that momentum back. Often, you have to start a task over from the beginning, which is a big waste of time and causes even more stress."

????Brown is co-founder of Cohen Brown Management Group, which has done time-management consulting for financial services industry clients like Merrill Lynch, Citibank (C), and Prudential (PRU). He says that at many big companies between 40% and 60% of people's time gets frittered away on distractions, especially from colleagues he calls time bandits. "Bosses are often the worst offenders," Brown observes, "because you feel you can't say no."

????Or can you? Since it's a safe bet that most, if not all, of your coworkers would also like to cut down on distractions, Brown suggests you all get together and agree on a system of what he calls Time Locks -- blocks of time at specific hours during the day (say, 2 p.m. to 4 p.m.) when you can focus on the work you're supposed to be doing.

????Getting everyone to agree to this takes some negotiation, Brown acknowledges. But convincing your officemates to make up a schedule with blocks of interruption-free time is often "a simple matter of going over the benefits to each of you," he says. Brown has seen teams and departments try it for a week or two and get so much more productive, and less stressed-out, that they've made Time Locks a permanent fixture.

????Moreover, Brown says, getting your boss on board and persuading him to limit his "check-ins," as you say, "is not as risky as people think it's going to be. The key is to emphasize that, if you can focus exclusively on your work during certain hours of the day, you'll be more productive, and it will help him meet his own deadlines. Time Locks are really to the benefit of managers, because bosses pay for the interruptions they cause, whether they realize it or not."

????What if he keeps "checking in" anyway? Then it's time for Plan B, described in detail (with a script, no less) in The Time Bandit Solution. Suggest a time to get together and talk after you've finished what you're working on. Brown's own subordinates, all Time Lock devotees, usually make appointments to sit down with him, saying something like, "I'll be working on the Ostrich project until four o'clock. Is it okay if I call you then?" As a manager, he says, "it would be foolish of me to interfere with their productivity."

????Maybe so, but Brown acknowledges that he's seen a few bosses who just can't or won't honor Time Locks. If yours is one of them, "unless you're independently wealthy, simply drop what you're doing and say, 'How can I help?'"

????One more thought: Taking back control of your time may mean changing some of your own habits. Deloitte's research shows that the average attention span among businesspeople now is about seven minutes -- in part because the average person checks his or her cell phone almost 150 times a day. If you decide to try Brown's approach to banishing interruptions, you might want to turn off your phone during your Time Locks, too. It's worth a try.

Talkback: If you've tried to cut down on distractions at the office, what has worked for you, and what hasn't? Leave a comment below.







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