







專欄 - 蘋果2_0


Philip Elmer-DeWitt 2013年11月21日


????圖為2004年至2013年期間個人電腦與蘋果Mac年度出貨量的對比圖。其中,紅色曲線代表個人電腦,藍灰色曲線代表蘋果Mac。圖表:Needham & Co.?









????? 光環效應減退。本文所附圖表中,倒V字形表明光環效應最強的時期。彼時正值Windows用戶紛紛到蘋果商店選購iPod、iPhone或是iPad,使得Mac的銷量也因此水漲船高。伍爾夫寫道:“Mac最初是靠蘋果公司其它產品的光環效應打開市場。但最終令Mac大賣的還是這個產品自身的優勢,包括易于使用、出色的設計,以及蘋果商店免費提供售后支持等。”不過,情況現在正在發生變化。伍爾夫說:“這種光環效應可能已經開始減退。iPad的出現對Mac銷量的影響要大于對個人電腦銷量的影響……那些前往蘋果商店購買Mac的顧客,可能最終轉而購買了iPad。”??????????

????Needham's Charlie Wolf has been following Apple (AAPL) long enough to still care what's happening to the Mac,* and on Tuesday he took a crack at explaining why the company's most venerable product line (it turns 30 in January) seems to have, as he puts it, "fallen back to earth."

????Beginning in 2005, and for 26 quarters in a row, Mac sales outgrew the industry -- nearly coinciding with a 7.5-year stretch in which Apple's share of the worldwide PC market increased from 2.1% to 5.3% (152%) and its revenue share rose from 3.2% to 11.9% (272%).

????That streak ended abruptly in January, when Apple couldn't deliver the newest iMacs in sufficient quantities to meet demand. Mac sales fell 22.1% in a quarter in which the broader market fell 6.6%.

????Wolf is less concerned with that one-time event -- which Tim Cook admitted was a screw-up and which appears in the attached chart as a sharp V at calendar Q4 2012 -- as he is with what happened for several quarters before and after.

????The Mac is still outpacing the industry, but just barely and only because its sales are falling more slowly than everybody else's.

????Why PC sales growth has collapsed is no mystery. The market is largely saturated and most of the money for new purchases is being funneled into smartphones and tablets.

????Harder to explain is why the Mac, which used to outgrow the industry by 20% to 30%, is now shrinking at nearly the same rate.

????Wolf confesses that he has no "ready explanation," but he does offer a couple of theories:

????? Fading halo effect. The big spikes in the attached chart represent the full force of the so-called halo effect by which the Mac benefitted from Windows users coming into Apple Stores to buy first the iPod, then the iPhone and iPad. "While the halo effect opened the door," Wolf writes, "we believe the superiority of Macs in ease of use, design and in free post-sale support in the Apple Stores blew the door off." That's changing now, he suggests. "It's possible that the halo effect has lost some of its luster in the sense that the emergence of the iPad has impacted Mac sales more than PC sales... Customers who visited an Apple Store to buy a Mac might have been swayed to buy an iPad instead."??????????????????

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